
Author Topic: i think the hurricane gasoline and diesel prices are shams.  (Read 3280 times)

September 18, 2005, 02:53:22 am

Master ACiD

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i think the hurricane gasoline and diesel prices are shams.
« on: September 18, 2005, 02:53:22 am »
a friend of mine is in the process of selling a hotel he owns in mexico. he is frequently traveling between texas and mexico because of this. he told me on the tele today that in spite of the usa's rising gasoline and diesel prices and even shortages, the prices in mexico for gasoline and diesel havent gone up at all because of the hurricane that hit. also there are no fuel shortages in mexico.

in fact, people from texas are driving south of the boarder just to fill up their tanks.

why is this? he thinks the hurricane gave the fuel companys a chance to jack the prices up claiming some sort of fake shortage. we are guessing that mexico wouldnt take any crap from fuel companys the way we willingly allow it here. seems to make sence to me. atleast i cant think of any other reason for this.

Reply #1September 18, 2005, 06:59:27 am

Dr. Diesel

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i think the hurricane gasoline and diesel prices are shams.
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2005, 06:59:27 am »
i imagine you're not far off the truth there.
I repair, maintain and modify VW's and BMW's.
Good work done at affordable rates. Welding and fabricating, too.
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Reply #2September 19, 2005, 11:27:26 am


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i think the hurricane gasoline and diesel prices are shams.
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2005, 11:27:26 am »
not only is it a possibility, but more likely a certainty.

half the time the 'gas prices are going up next week!' rumours are started by the oil companies themselves to get people mentally-prepared for the raping at the pumps.

i'll be making biodiesel this time next year if i have my way.

Reply #3September 19, 2005, 12:43:12 pm


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i think the hurricane gasoline and diesel prices are shams.
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2005, 12:43:12 pm »
Wouldn't suprise me.  They think they have a monopoly so they really don't care about the consumer -- if you want to drive, you have to buy gas....  Same mentality of the power company here which complains about the price of renewable energy the same time it's pushing a 75% rate increase through.  I've been paying over $3/gallon all summer for biodiesel, and am putting PV's on my house and disconnecting the power company.  Not that that is cheaper than buying gas and coal generated electricity.  But because then at least I know that my money isn't going to fund some greedy corporation... (although mega-soybean farmers are not that much better than international oil conglomerates...)
'84 Mitsubishi 4x4 2.3L turbo biodiesel pickup
'91 VW Rabbit GTI with 1.6 biodiesel transplant
'81 Toyota longbed 2wd 2.2NA biodiesel pickup (for sale)
'89 Subaru 4x4 touring wagon
 '82 subaru 4x4 TDI wagon -- project on hold
1976 Ford Sasquatch pickup

