Author Topic: Help  (Read 8863 times)

October 25, 2014, 11:13:44 am


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« on: October 25, 2014, 11:13:44 am »
Golf mk5 2.0gtdi 2004,
I have a pending dtc: throttle position actuator sensor. Is this a problem i should rectify? As the car runs great apart from 1st or 2nd gear syncro ring needing replacing as get a crrrrunch between 1st and 2nd or gearing down to 2nd. but the old girl has done 150k + and still pulls like a train with great mpg too. I have also had dmf converted to smf which apart from a little pedal judder at bottom of pedal works well and now i dont have dual mass nightmares anymore. Now and then i get a rough (lumpy) tickover sounds like a misfire ( only on tickover/idle not when pedal pressed )but seems to rectify itself once warm but have heard this is pretty common on bkd engine. If anyone has any advice or comments they would be appriciated cheers