
Author Topic: Toronto Area Shops  (Read 2338 times)

December 19, 2005, 04:33:34 am


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Toronto Area Shops
« on: December 19, 2005, 04:33:34 am »
Hey all... I was wondering if any fellow diesel guys could suggest a few shops in the Toronto area that they use and trust to work on VW TD's?

And also shops that are able to get parts for a decent price? (I know about Frisco Auto Part and they're good guys... I dunno if they carry things like new Injectors and such, never really asked).

I didn't see a list anywhere... maybe one of the mods can put up a sticky for local shops across Canada (possibly with some feedback about their work?) so that us local guys that need some help could go to.

Also, maybe post up a few local areas where to buy VW TD tools?  Like the timing tool, etc?  I've been trying to ask around... One mechanic told me that Hazet (German tool manufacturer) makes the VW timing tool. Does anyone know if there is any truth to this?

Also TD Injectors?  Or at least a place that knows how to properly test/adjust/rebuild them for our cars?  I'm pretty sure mine will need to be replaced soon, and since I'm wanting to mod my car getting bigger ones I would need to have a shop pop-test them (from what I've read anyways).

So if any of you guys here in TO know any good mechanics and want to bring them some business post up some contact info, along with your general experiences!  :D

