Author Topic: Shenanigans  (Read 169833 times)

Reply #225March 02, 2011, 01:31:34 am


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Re: Shenanigans
« Reply #225 on: March 02, 2011, 01:31:34 am »
Fine with me, it looked kinda one a those kaleidoscope things, but then it got messed up :'(.

yea, someone had to ruin the fun.
simple minds are entertained by simple things.

I'll do my part...

Here's my part too.........X2 about our simple minds ;D
My part also ;D

HAHA who else does this kinda thing? :D

This is probably the best forum on the net because we do this kind of stuff and no one comments call us all kinds of names. and we can ask actually questions and have real good answers right away with it, i'm a moron


who woulda thought that we could actually get to 2 pages of this?

my mom calls me simple all the time :( lol Cheers to simple minds on the internetz
Kevin and Jeremy, 2 words, Why TDI ;D
Why TDI!?!??!!?!? YTDI, is that like.. new? Well Catlin you see, WhyNot TDI would just be childish and immature. TDI is the only way to go. I soooo plan on it in the future. I WILL own a TDI powered mk1 for sure :)

btw, just noticed that Catlin called himself a moron. Lmao  ;D
Use the search option and look for Why TDI and look what happens when we get bored and our VW's aren't broken
That actually happens???
Not when you keep using crappy fixes Brett :P I remember that Why TDI thread now! WOW We made it nine pages!! CRAZY!
ahh, good ole "Why TDI", what a good time that was...  Right Jeremy!
Usually the crappy fixes work for me..  It's when I do it right that things explode....
Way to rub it in that i got the thread locked Brett, and Yes it was a ton'o'fun. However there were other pictures posted that mods didn't like and removed as well... MMy pictures had the Fword, not nudity lol.
No Stimulus package this time Lucas :P Unless it is a sexy ass VW!
This actually looking really cool since my last visit........and guys lets try to not get this thread locked too ;)
MY 1000th POST GUYS..... And of course, I saved it for the Shenanigans thread :)!
YAY Congrads lol. I should be there soon. As long as we don't post pictures and no vulgar language we'll be fine  ;)
noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo   ;)  :-*

Anyone see Book of Eli!? THAT MOVIE IS AMAZING!
Nope, I'll wait for it to be released on DVD
I thought it was a great movie. I don't think there is any aspect of the movie that requires the big screen though. If I bought movies, I'd buy that one.
bump  ;D
Monthly checkup
Same I guess.........
i cant believe that the thread is still alive. this is awesome...
lol it is pretty cool, I guess its because we are actually behaving ourselfs for once :P
speak for yourself

I think I sense some sarcasm from Kevo up there... lol

nope, no sarcasm at all, i was one of the founding fathers of this page, i think its friggen awesome. and pretty hilarious.
That pic in the middle kinda screws it up a bit but it's still kinda neat haha.
there, no more picture to distract our simple minds. haha
LOL thanks it was kinna annoying
BUMP!!!! ;D
I wonder how much more of this the forum server can handle before it finally gives us the finger?

Bump!! to the top..
I was JUST wondering when this was going to get a Bump lol ;D

THE LAST BUMP WAS JUNE 23RD COME ON PEOPLE!!!!....Especially Jeremy and Kevin DO SOME WORK!!! lol

Should have a Daily Bump :P TDI swap ftw ;)
I just wanted my name back in the mix. I know I posted recently, but didn't see it :D :D :D:D

Bump to have Rabbit on Roids Back we miss him :'(

Indeed..  I told him that that certain someone feeds off of being argued with..  Already went that route myself..  Probably why that someone has been kicked off a dozen other forums..  Tis a shame all around as there was alot of knowledge that could have been shared in better ways...     

Tis a shame too that I haven't driven a VW since the end of may..  :(
Yeah I miss him too. ROR NOT the other guy. Maybe he could come back someday. I don't understand the complete story from all ends so I shouldn't have an opinion, and I am not a mod...don't want to be... would have banned the other guy long before ROR and maybe he would still be here. I got into it with him on one thread and I am not a hot headed guy for the most part, but I said my peace and ignored everything he had to say afterward. That is probably what everyone should do LOL

Bingo..   I don't get too worked up over anything these days, but that person just seemed to have the knack of pushing buttons.. Plain ignoring him (or anyone of the like) is the best route..   That said, the sad thing is he'll be back.

(Heads Up Moderators!) It seems we frequent a lot of the same forums and his MO is to wait a bit and sign up with a new name and email and continue the same shenanigans (usually worse) till booted again..

The funny thing is on the 16th he had signed back up with the same user name some how....didn;t last long thou.

Bump..  8)
Beer time Bump :P

Afternoon bump.

Welcome home everyone!

The forum is back online!  ;D

Beer and BBQ Peanuts Bump ;D

Morning time, not even completely awake bump..

Going to get the TDI in 2 days Bump ;D

OH and Beer bump also
I haven't been quoted since august bump :D

Happy Turkey Day EH!
How did I never see this thread until now? This is epic...

haha, yea, this is by far one of the best topics on the whole forum! great information here!

Yea RadoTD this is what happens when we are left to watch over ourselfs ;D I forgot even how this thread started. All I remember is tyler Moved if off another thread for us lol

you and i got going with the huge quotes inside of quotes, and then it turned into this, isnt it awesome?!
Wow, and just think... some mod took precious time out of their day that could've possibly been spent with their wife and kids to split a thread to keep this sandbox of yours alive.
You guys should feel honored! You are clearly loved! :-*

pretty sure it was Tyler that gave us our own thread..

and the WHY TDI thread is locked i think.. i couldnt bump it..

2 pages of bumps, and everyone forgot how to bump this thread.

just thought i would remind everyone about the "epic quoting"
41.007 MPG tonight bump :D

Ps.. I wonder what happens when the quote tree gets wider than the resolution of your screen? Would the page side scroll?
Only one way to find out! ;)

God this is awesome.. i swear we are the only forum with a thread this awesome..

That is simply amazing lol wanting it to be summer break so i can finish my car!... BUMP
No posting without growing the quote tree!  >:(
Must achieve enlightenment in the form of a side scrolling quote tree!
I Support side SCROLLING

look how tiny the center quote is getting..
February 1st BUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Our groundhog saw its shadow. 6 weeks :)

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WANT WINTER TO BE OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!
stole catlin's pic bump :D

PICTURE THEIF!!!!!!!!!!!


Eh, he's just older and wiser now.... Or Something..

BUMP for another 3K miles on the crack engine!  Time for the weekly sucking of the oil from the coolant bottle...

Bretski.. hows the Oldy coming along? ever find a pump for it?

and that crack-addicted 11mm engine has been going strong now for a while.. kinda amazes me  ;)

I have a pump finally..  actually I have a whole flippin truck..  I did some work on an old Case tractor for the guy in trade for the pump (simple job too)..  2 days ago he drove the truck over here and dumped it off, told me to have at it and junk the rest..  THe engine had a blown HG/cracked head and the truck is rust, but the pump works, and it has some sweet alloy wheels that just may fall on my dad's f-250.. Now to get the darned olds dug out of the ice/snow and back in the garage...

Crack motor is actually starting to scare me.. The last several days it has been running REALLY well..  I actually managed a couple respectable burn outs..  I parked it though the hottest parts of the summer because I just wasn't trusting the oil soaked hoses (and I'm getting old and enjoy frosty cold A/C, keeps my beer cold in the cup holder  ;))..  I swapped some of the rubber goo out for used hoses I had around and just keep suctioning the oil outta the reservoir once or twice a week.. I'm not feeling brave enough to take it on a several hundred mile trip, but it still does it's almost 100 miles a day 5 days a week... Some day before the car rusts apart I will get the new engine it it...  Maybe...

I still wonder how the hell that motor works!..

And BUMP for fresh blood entering here  ;D

X2 on the fresh blood bump!!

I've been doing horrible things to that engine, it just won't die..  I flog the crap outta it cold or hot.. Oil hasn't been changed in at least 20K miles..  I just keep adding to it...  Got tired of actually buying oil for it..  I was given about 10 cases (12 qt per case) of some 15+ year old 30 weight air compressor oil, guess what's been going in it  ;D.. I been topping the coolant off with old stuff I've drained from customer cars..  SOme extended life, some green, some ???  I've blown several hoses and warmed it up to 250 - 260 deg F many times..  I did have to give up on burning WVO and WMO in it.. The heat exchanger is all gunked up from the oil in the coolant..

Oh wow, that motor just can't die! The compressor oil is a nice touch!

It's all in the compressor oil..  I got some dandy straight line black marks on the pavement out of it the other day..

Jeremy I Fixed your Name in a few places

Told you to keep the Rug Burnt Forehead stories between us  :-* lol

I just reliezed that on January 21, 2010 Tyler called me a moron  :'(
*hug (no homo :O)
HugYouBoth, HoMo ;)
Pssh.. you know you want in on it!

enough boost is when you have 3 dimple marks in the hood from the valve cover nuts..  ;D

Reply #226March 02, 2011, 09:46:33 am


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Re: Shenanigans
« Reply #226 on: March 02, 2011, 09:46:33 am »
Fine with me, it looked kinda one a those kaleidoscope things, but then it got messed up :'(.

yea, someone had to ruin the fun.
simple minds are entertained by simple things.

I'll do my part...

Here's my part too.........X2 about our simple minds ;D
My part also ;D

HAHA who else does this kinda thing? :D

This is probably the best forum on the net because we do this kind of stuff and no one comments call us all kinds of names. and we can ask actually questions and have real good answers right away with it, i'm a moron


who woulda thought that we could actually get to 2 pages of this?

my mom calls me simple all the time :( lol Cheers to simple minds on the internetz
Kevin and Jeremy, 2 words, Why TDI ;D
Why TDI!?!??!!?!? YTDI, is that like.. new? Well Catlin you see, WhyNot TDI would just be childish and immature. TDI is the only way to go. I soooo plan on it in the future. I WILL own a TDI powered mk1 for sure :)

btw, just noticed that Catlin called himself a moron. Lmao  ;D
Use the search option and look for Why TDI and look what happens when we get bored and our VW's aren't broken
That actually happens???
Not when you keep using crappy fixes Brett :P I remember that Why TDI thread now! WOW We made it nine pages!! CRAZY!
ahh, good ole "Why TDI", what a good time that was...  Right Jeremy!
Usually the crappy fixes work for me..  It's when I do it right that things explode....
Way to rub it in that i got the thread locked Brett, and Yes it was a ton'o'fun. However there were other pictures posted that mods didn't like and removed as well... MMy pictures had the Fword, not nudity lol.
No Stimulus package this time Lucas :P Unless it is a sexy ass VW!
This actually looking really cool since my last visit........and guys lets try to not get this thread locked too ;)
MY 1000th POST GUYS..... And of course, I saved it for the Shenanigans thread :)!
YAY Congrads lol. I should be there soon. As long as we don't post pictures and no vulgar language we'll be fine  ;)
noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo   ;)  :-*

Anyone see Book of Eli!? THAT MOVIE IS AMAZING!
Nope, I'll wait for it to be released on DVD
I thought it was a great movie. I don't think there is any aspect of the movie that requires the big screen though. If I bought movies, I'd buy that one.
bump  ;D
Monthly checkup
Same I guess.........
i cant believe that the thread is still alive. this is awesome...
lol it is pretty cool, I guess its because we are actually behaving ourselfs for once :P
speak for yourself

I think I sense some sarcasm from Kevo up there... lol

nope, no sarcasm at all, i was one of the founding fathers of this page, i think its friggen awesome. and pretty hilarious.
That pic in the middle kinda screws it up a bit but it's still kinda neat haha.
there, no more picture to distract our simple minds. haha
LOL thanks it was kinna annoying
BUMP!!!! ;D
I wonder how much more of this the forum server can handle before it finally gives us the finger?

Bump!! to the top..
I was JUST wondering when this was going to get a Bump lol ;D

THE LAST BUMP WAS JUNE 23RD COME ON PEOPLE!!!!....Especially Jeremy and Kevin DO SOME WORK!!! lol

Should have a Daily Bump :P TDI swap ftw ;)
I just wanted my name back in the mix. I know I posted recently, but didn't see it :D :D :D:D

Bump to have Rabbit on Roids Back we miss him :'(

Indeed..  I told him that that certain someone feeds off of being argued with..  Already went that route myself..  Probably why that someone has been kicked off a dozen other forums..  Tis a shame all around as there was alot of knowledge that could have been shared in better ways...     

Tis a shame too that I haven't driven a VW since the end of may..  :(
Yeah I miss him too. ROR NOT the other guy. Maybe he could come back someday. I don't understand the complete story from all ends so I shouldn't have an opinion, and I am not a mod...don't want to be... would have banned the other guy long before ROR and maybe he would still be here. I got into it with him on one thread and I am not a hot headed guy for the most part, but I said my peace and ignored everything he had to say afterward. That is probably what everyone should do LOL

Bingo..   I don't get too worked up over anything these days, but that person just seemed to have the knack of pushing buttons.. Plain ignoring him (or anyone of the like) is the best route..   That said, the sad thing is he'll be back.

(Heads Up Moderators!) It seems we frequent a lot of the same forums and his MO is to wait a bit and sign up with a new name and email and continue the same shenanigans (usually worse) till booted again..

The funny thing is on the 16th he had signed back up with the same user name some how....didn;t last long thou.

Bump..  8)
Beer time Bump :P

Afternoon bump.

Welcome home everyone!

The forum is back online!  ;D

Beer and BBQ Peanuts Bump ;D

Morning time, not even completely awake bump..

Going to get the TDI in 2 days Bump ;D

OH and Beer bump also
I haven't been quoted since august bump :D

Happy Turkey Day EH!
How did I never see this thread until now? This is epic...

haha, yea, this is by far one of the best topics on the whole forum! great information here!

Yea RadoTD this is what happens when we are left to watch over ourselfs ;D I forgot even how this thread started. All I remember is tyler Moved if off another thread for us lol

you and i got going with the huge quotes inside of quotes, and then it turned into this, isnt it awesome?!
Wow, and just think... some mod took precious time out of their day that could've possibly been spent with their wife and kids to split a thread to keep this sandbox of yours alive.
You guys should feel honored! You are clearly loved! :-*

pretty sure it was Tyler that gave us our own thread..

and the WHY TDI thread is locked i think.. i couldnt bump it..

2 pages of bumps, and everyone forgot how to bump this thread.

just thought i would remind everyone about the "epic quoting"
41.007 MPG tonight bump :D

Ps.. I wonder what happens when the quote tree gets wider than the resolution of your screen? Would the page side scroll?
Only one way to find out! ;)

God this is awesome.. i swear we are the only forum with a thread this awesome..

That is simply amazing lol wanting it to be summer break so i can finish my car!... BUMP
No posting without growing the quote tree!  >:(
Must achieve enlightenment in the form of a side scrolling quote tree!
I Support side SCROLLING

look how tiny the center quote is getting..
February 1st BUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Our groundhog saw its shadow. 6 weeks :)

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WANT WINTER TO BE OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!
stole catlin's pic bump :D

PICTURE THEIF!!!!!!!!!!!


Eh, he's just older and wiser now.... Or Something..

BUMP for another 3K miles on the crack engine!  Time for the weekly sucking of the oil from the coolant bottle...

Bretski.. hows the Oldy coming along? ever find a pump for it?

and that crack-addicted 11mm engine has been going strong now for a while.. kinda amazes me  ;)

I have a pump finally..  actually I have a whole flippin truck..  I did some work on an old Case tractor for the guy in trade for the pump (simple job too)..  2 days ago he drove the truck over here and dumped it off, told me to have at it and junk the rest..  THe engine had a blown HG/cracked head and the truck is rust, but the pump works, and it has some sweet alloy wheels that just may fall on my dad's f-250.. Now to get the darned olds dug out of the ice/snow and back in the garage...

Crack motor is actually starting to scare me.. The last several days it has been running REALLY well..  I actually managed a couple respectable burn outs..  I parked it though the hottest parts of the summer because I just wasn't trusting the oil soaked hoses (and I'm getting old and enjoy frosty cold A/C, keeps my beer cold in the cup holder  ;))..  I swapped some of the rubber goo out for used hoses I had around and just keep suctioning the oil outta the reservoir once or twice a week.. I'm not feeling brave enough to take it on a several hundred mile trip, but it still does it's almost 100 miles a day 5 days a week... Some day before the car rusts apart I will get the new engine it it...  Maybe...

I still wonder how the hell that motor works!..

And BUMP for fresh blood entering here  ;D

X2 on the fresh blood bump!!

I've been doing horrible things to that engine, it just won't die..  I flog the crap outta it cold or hot.. Oil hasn't been changed in at least 20K miles..  I just keep adding to it...  Got tired of actually buying oil for it..  I was given about 10 cases (12 qt per case) of some 15+ year old 30 weight air compressor oil, guess what's been going in it  ;D.. I been topping the coolant off with old stuff I've drained from customer cars..  SOme extended life, some green, some ???  I've blown several hoses and warmed it up to 250 - 260 deg F many times..  I did have to give up on burning WVO and WMO in it.. The heat exchanger is all gunked up from the oil in the coolant..

Oh wow, that motor just can't die! The compressor oil is a nice touch!

It's all in the compressor oil..  I got some dandy straight line black marks on the pavement out of it the other day..

Jeremy I Fixed your Name in a few places

Told you to keep the Rug Burnt Forehead stories between us  :-* lol

I just reliezed that on January 21, 2010 Tyler called me a moron  :'(
*hug (no homo :O)
HugYouBoth, HoMo ;)
Pssh.. you know you want in on it!

Get a room!!

Reply #227March 02, 2011, 09:05:01 pm


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Re: Shenanigans
« Reply #227 on: March 02, 2011, 09:05:01 pm »
Fine with me, it looked kinda one a those kaleidoscope things, but then it got messed up :'(.

yea, someone had to ruin the fun.
simple minds are entertained by simple things.

I'll do my part...

Here's my part too.........X2 about our simple minds ;D
My part also ;D

HAHA who else does this kinda thing? :D

This is probably the best forum on the net because we do this kind of stuff and no one comments call us all kinds of names. and we can ask actually questions and have real good answers right away with it, i'm a moron


who woulda thought that we could actually get to 2 pages of this?

my mom calls me simple all the time :( lol Cheers to simple minds on the internetz
Kevin and Jeremy, 2 words, Why TDI ;D
Why TDI!?!??!!?!? YTDI, is that like.. new? Well Catlin you see, WhyNot TDI would just be childish and immature. TDI is the only way to go. I soooo plan on it in the future. I WILL own a TDI powered mk1 for sure :)

btw, just noticed that Catlin called himself a moron. Lmao  ;D
Use the search option and look for Why TDI and look what happens when we get bored and our VW's aren't broken
That actually happens???
Not when you keep using crappy fixes Brett :P I remember that Why TDI thread now! WOW We made it nine pages!! CRAZY!
ahh, good ole "Why TDI", what a good time that was...  Right Jeremy!
Usually the crappy fixes work for me..  It's when I do it right that things explode....
Way to rub it in that i got the thread locked Brett, and Yes it was a ton'o'fun. However there were other pictures posted that mods didn't like and removed as well... MMy pictures had the Fword, not nudity lol.
No Stimulus package this time Lucas :P Unless it is a sexy ass VW!
This actually looking really cool since my last visit........and guys lets try to not get this thread locked too ;)
MY 1000th POST GUYS..... And of course, I saved it for the Shenanigans thread :)!
YAY Congrads lol. I should be there soon. As long as we don't post pictures and no vulgar language we'll be fine  ;)
noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo   ;)  :-*

Anyone see Book of Eli!? THAT MOVIE IS AMAZING!
Nope, I'll wait for it to be released on DVD
I thought it was a great movie. I don't think there is any aspect of the movie that requires the big screen though. If I bought movies, I'd buy that one.
bump  ;D
Monthly checkup
Same I guess.........
i cant believe that the thread is still alive. this is awesome...
lol it is pretty cool, I guess its because we are actually behaving ourselfs for once :P
speak for yourself

I think I sense some sarcasm from Kevo up there... lol

nope, no sarcasm at all, i was one of the founding fathers of this page, i think its friggen awesome. and pretty hilarious.
That pic in the middle kinda screws it up a bit but it's still kinda neat haha.
there, no more picture to distract our simple minds. haha
LOL thanks it was kinna annoying
BUMP!!!! ;D
I wonder how much more of this the forum server can handle before it finally gives us the finger?

Bump!! to the top..
I was JUST wondering when this was going to get a Bump lol ;D

THE LAST BUMP WAS JUNE 23RD COME ON PEOPLE!!!!....Especially Jeremy and Kevin DO SOME WORK!!! lol

Should have a Daily Bump :P TDI swap ftw ;)
I just wanted my name back in the mix. I know I posted recently, but didn't see it :D :D :D:D

Bump to have Rabbit on Roids Back we miss him :'(

Indeed..  I told him that that certain someone feeds off of being argued with..  Already went that route myself..  Probably why that someone has been kicked off a dozen other forums..  Tis a shame all around as there was alot of knowledge that could have been shared in better ways...     

Tis a shame too that I haven't driven a VW since the end of may..  :(
Yeah I miss him too. ROR NOT the other guy. Maybe he could come back someday. I don't understand the complete story from all ends so I shouldn't have an opinion, and I am not a mod...don't want to be... would have banned the other guy long before ROR and maybe he would still be here. I got into it with him on one thread and I am not a hot headed guy for the most part, but I said my peace and ignored everything he had to say afterward. That is probably what everyone should do LOL

Bingo..   I don't get too worked up over anything these days, but that person just seemed to have the knack of pushing buttons.. Plain ignoring him (or anyone of the like) is the best route..   That said, the sad thing is he'll be back.

(Heads Up Moderators!) It seems we frequent a lot of the same forums and his MO is to wait a bit and sign up with a new name and email and continue the same shenanigans (usually worse) till booted again..

The funny thing is on the 16th he had signed back up with the same user name some how....didn;t last long thou.

Bump..  8)
Beer time Bump :P

Afternoon bump.

Welcome home everyone!

The forum is back online!  ;D

Beer and BBQ Peanuts Bump ;D

Morning time, not even completely awake bump..

Going to get the TDI in 2 days Bump ;D

OH and Beer bump also
I haven't been quoted since august bump :D

Happy Turkey Day EH!
How did I never see this thread until now? This is epic...

haha, yea, this is by far one of the best topics on the whole forum! great information here!

Yea RadoTD this is what happens when we are left to watch over ourselfs ;D I forgot even how this thread started. All I remember is tyler Moved if off another thread for us lol

you and i got going with the huge quotes inside of quotes, and then it turned into this, isnt it awesome?!
Wow, and just think... some mod took precious time out of their day that could've possibly been spent with their wife and kids to split a thread to keep this sandbox of yours alive.
You guys should feel honored! You are clearly loved! :-*

pretty sure it was Tyler that gave us our own thread..

and the WHY TDI thread is locked i think.. i couldnt bump it..

2 pages of bumps, and everyone forgot how to bump this thread.

just thought i would remind everyone about the "epic quoting"
41.007 MPG tonight bump :D

Ps.. I wonder what happens when the quote tree gets wider than the resolution of your screen? Would the page side scroll?
Only one way to find out! ;)

God this is awesome.. i swear we are the only forum with a thread this awesome..

That is simply amazing lol wanting it to be summer break so i can finish my car!... BUMP
No posting without growing the quote tree!  >:(
Must achieve enlightenment in the form of a side scrolling quote tree!
I Support side SCROLLING

look how tiny the center quote is getting..
February 1st BUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Our groundhog saw its shadow. 6 weeks :)

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WANT WINTER TO BE OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!
stole catlin's pic bump :D

PICTURE THEIF!!!!!!!!!!!


Eh, he's just older and wiser now.... Or Something..

BUMP for another 3K miles on the crack engine!  Time for the weekly sucking of the oil from the coolant bottle...

Bretski.. hows the Oldy coming along? ever find a pump for it?

and that crack-addicted 11mm engine has been going strong now for a while.. kinda amazes me  ;)

I have a pump finally..  actually I have a whole flippin truck..  I did some work on an old Case tractor for the guy in trade for the pump (simple job too)..  2 days ago he drove the truck over here and dumped it off, told me to have at it and junk the rest..  THe engine had a blown HG/cracked head and the truck is rust, but the pump works, and it has some sweet alloy wheels that just may fall on my dad's f-250.. Now to get the darned olds dug out of the ice/snow and back in the garage...

Crack motor is actually starting to scare me.. The last several days it has been running REALLY well..  I actually managed a couple respectable burn outs..  I parked it though the hottest parts of the summer because I just wasn't trusting the oil soaked hoses (and I'm getting old and enjoy frosty cold A/C, keeps my beer cold in the cup holder  ;))..  I swapped some of the rubber goo out for used hoses I had around and just keep suctioning the oil outta the reservoir once or twice a week.. I'm not feeling brave enough to take it on a several hundred mile trip, but it still does it's almost 100 miles a day 5 days a week... Some day before the car rusts apart I will get the new engine it it...  Maybe...

I still wonder how the hell that motor works!..

And BUMP for fresh blood entering here  ;D

X2 on the fresh blood bump!!

I've been doing horrible things to that engine, it just won't die..  I flog the crap outta it cold or hot.. Oil hasn't been changed in at least 20K miles..  I just keep adding to it...  Got tired of actually buying oil for it..  I was given about 10 cases (12 qt per case) of some 15+ year old 30 weight air compressor oil, guess what's been going in it  ;D.. I been topping the coolant off with old stuff I've drained from customer cars..  SOme extended life, some green, some ???  I've blown several hoses and warmed it up to 250 - 260 deg F many times..  I did have to give up on burning WVO and WMO in it.. The heat exchanger is all gunked up from the oil in the coolant..

Oh wow, that motor just can't die! The compressor oil is a nice touch!

It's all in the compressor oil..  I got some dandy straight line black marks on the pavement out of it the other day..

Jeremy I Fixed your Name in a few places

Told you to keep the Rug Burnt Forehead stories between us  :-* lol

I just reliezed that on January 21, 2010 Tyler called me a moron  :'(
*hug (no homo :O)
HugYouBoth, HoMo ;)
Pssh.. you know you want in on it!
Get a room!!
Where is Tyler!

Reply #228March 03, 2011, 11:18:00 am


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Re: Shenanigans
« Reply #228 on: March 03, 2011, 11:18:00 am »
Yea!, wheres Tyler? im sure im not the only one who misses him..
92 Jetta GLI - Black, 1.6D w/ GT2056V turbo..
86 GTI - 4 Door, Med Twilight Gray, Tow Machine..
86 Audi Coupe GT - Tornado Red, All Stock.. WRECKED.
89 Toyota 4Runner - Dark Grey Metallic, LIFTED!

Turbo: exhaust gasses go into the turbocharger and spin it, witchcraft happens and you go faster.

Reply #229March 03, 2011, 03:19:55 pm


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Re: Shenanigans
« Reply #229 on: March 03, 2011, 03:19:55 pm »
In a Jeremy Clarkson Voice --  Some say he's discovered girls and traded his VWs for a Corolla...

Reply #230March 03, 2011, 05:50:59 pm


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Re: Shenanigans
« Reply #230 on: March 03, 2011, 05:50:59 pm »
You guys have not met him, he has (or had) quite the animal growing on his face last i saw him in person lol no girls within a 100yd radius lol

Reply #231March 03, 2011, 06:36:24 pm


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Re: Shenanigans
« Reply #231 on: March 03, 2011, 06:36:24 pm »
Fine with me, it looked kinda one a those kaleidoscope things, but then it got messed up :'(.

yea, someone had to ruin the fun.
simple minds are entertained by simple things.

I'll do my part...

Here's my part too.........X2 about our simple minds ;D
My part also ;D

HAHA who else does this kinda thing? :D

This is probably the best forum on the net because we do this kind of stuff and no one comments call us all kinds of names. and we can ask actually questions and have real good answers right away with it, i'm a moron


who woulda thought that we could actually get to 2 pages of this?

my mom calls me simple all the time :( lol Cheers to simple minds on the internetz
Kevin and Jeremy, 2 words, Why TDI ;D
Why TDI!?!??!!?!? YTDI, is that like.. new? Well Catlin you see, WhyNot TDI would just be childish and immature. TDI is the only way to go. I soooo plan on it in the future. I WILL own a TDI powered mk1 for sure :)

btw, just noticed that Catlin called himself a moron. Lmao  ;D
Use the search option and look for Why TDI and look what happens when we get bored and our VW's aren't broken
That actually happens???
Not when you keep using crappy fixes Brett :P I remember that Why TDI thread now! WOW We made it nine pages!! CRAZY!
ahh, good ole "Why TDI", what a good time that was...  Right Jeremy!
Usually the crappy fixes work for me..  It's when I do it right that things explode....
Way to rub it in that i got the thread locked Brett, and Yes it was a ton'o'fun. However there were other pictures posted that mods didn't like and removed as well... MMy pictures had the Fword, not nudity lol.
No Stimulus package this time Lucas :P Unless it is a sexy ass VW!
This actually looking really cool since my last visit........and guys lets try to not get this thread locked too ;)
MY 1000th POST GUYS..... And of course, I saved it for the Shenanigans thread :)!
YAY Congrads lol. I should be there soon. As long as we don't post pictures and no vulgar language we'll be fine  ;)
noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo   ;)  :-*

Anyone see Book of Eli!? THAT MOVIE IS AMAZING!
Nope, I'll wait for it to be released on DVD
I thought it was a great movie. I don't think there is any aspect of the movie that requires the big screen though. If I bought movies, I'd buy that one.
bump  ;D
Monthly checkup
Same I guess.........
i cant believe that the thread is still alive. this is awesome...
lol it is pretty cool, I guess its because we are actually behaving ourselfs for once :P
speak for yourself

I think I sense some sarcasm from Kevo up there... lol

nope, no sarcasm at all, i was one of the founding fathers of this page, i think its friggen awesome. and pretty hilarious.
That pic in the middle kinda screws it up a bit but it's still kinda neat haha.
there, no more picture to distract our simple minds. haha
LOL thanks it was kinna annoying
BUMP!!!! ;D
I wonder how much more of this the forum server can handle before it finally gives us the finger?

Bump!! to the top..
I was JUST wondering when this was going to get a Bump lol ;D

THE LAST BUMP WAS JUNE 23RD COME ON PEOPLE!!!!....Especially Jeremy and Kevin DO SOME WORK!!! lol

Should have a Daily Bump :P TDI swap ftw ;)
I just wanted my name back in the mix. I know I posted recently, but didn't see it :D :D :D:D

Bump to have Rabbit on Roids Back we miss him :'(

Indeed..  I told him that that certain someone feeds off of being argued with..  Already went that route myself..  Probably why that someone has been kicked off a dozen other forums..  Tis a shame all around as there was alot of knowledge that could have been shared in better ways...     

Tis a shame too that I haven't driven a VW since the end of may..  :(
Yeah I miss him too. ROR NOT the other guy. Maybe he could come back someday. I don't understand the complete story from all ends so I shouldn't have an opinion, and I am not a mod...don't want to be... would have banned the other guy long before ROR and maybe he would still be here. I got into it with him on one thread and I am not a hot headed guy for the most part, but I said my peace and ignored everything he had to say afterward. That is probably what everyone should do LOL

Bingo..   I don't get too worked up over anything these days, but that person just seemed to have the knack of pushing buttons.. Plain ignoring him (or anyone of the like) is the best route..   That said, the sad thing is he'll be back.

(Heads Up Moderators!) It seems we frequent a lot of the same forums and his MO is to wait a bit and sign up with a new name and email and continue the same shenanigans (usually worse) till booted again..

The funny thing is on the 16th he had signed back up with the same user name some how....didn;t last long thou.

Bump..  8)
Beer time Bump :P

Afternoon bump.

Welcome home everyone!

The forum is back online!  ;D

Beer and BBQ Peanuts Bump ;D

Morning time, not even completely awake bump..

Going to get the TDI in 2 days Bump ;D

OH and Beer bump also
I haven't been quoted since august bump :D

Happy Turkey Day EH!
How did I never see this thread until now? This is epic...

haha, yea, this is by far one of the best topics on the whole forum! great information here!

Yea RadoTD this is what happens when we are left to watch over ourselfs ;D I forgot even how this thread started. All I remember is tyler Moved if off another thread for us lol

you and i got going with the huge quotes inside of quotes, and then it turned into this, isnt it awesome?!
Wow, and just think... some mod took precious time out of their day that could've possibly been spent with their wife and kids to split a thread to keep this sandbox of yours alive.
You guys should feel honored! You are clearly loved! :-*

pretty sure it was Tyler that gave us our own thread..

and the WHY TDI thread is locked i think.. i couldnt bump it..

2 pages of bumps, and everyone forgot how to bump this thread.

just thought i would remind everyone about the "epic quoting"
41.007 MPG tonight bump :D

Ps.. I wonder what happens when the quote tree gets wider than the resolution of your screen? Would the page side scroll?
Only one way to find out! ;)

God this is awesome.. i swear we are the only forum with a thread this awesome..

That is simply amazing lol wanting it to be summer break so i can finish my car!... BUMP
No posting without growing the quote tree!  >:(
Must achieve enlightenment in the form of a side scrolling quote tree!
I Support side SCROLLING

look how tiny the center quote is getting..
February 1st BUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Our groundhog saw its shadow. 6 weeks :)

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WANT WINTER TO BE OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!
stole catlin's pic bump :D

PICTURE THEIF!!!!!!!!!!!


Eh, he's just older and wiser now.... Or Something..

BUMP for another 3K miles on the crack engine!  Time for the weekly sucking of the oil from the coolant bottle...

Bretski.. hows the Oldy coming along? ever find a pump for it?

and that crack-addicted 11mm engine has been going strong now for a while.. kinda amazes me  ;)

I have a pump finally..  actually I have a whole flippin truck..  I did some work on an old Case tractor for the guy in trade for the pump (simple job too)..  2 days ago he drove the truck over here and dumped it off, told me to have at it and junk the rest..  THe engine had a blown HG/cracked head and the truck is rust, but the pump works, and it has some sweet alloy wheels that just may fall on my dad's f-250.. Now to get the darned olds dug out of the ice/snow and back in the garage...

Crack motor is actually starting to scare me.. The last several days it has been running REALLY well..  I actually managed a couple respectable burn outs..  I parked it though the hottest parts of the summer because I just wasn't trusting the oil soaked hoses (and I'm getting old and enjoy frosty cold A/C, keeps my beer cold in the cup holder  ;))..  I swapped some of the rubber goo out for used hoses I had around and just keep suctioning the oil outta the reservoir once or twice a week.. I'm not feeling brave enough to take it on a several hundred mile trip, but it still does it's almost 100 miles a day 5 days a week... Some day before the car rusts apart I will get the new engine it it...  Maybe...

I still wonder how the hell that motor works!..

And BUMP for fresh blood entering here  ;D

X2 on the fresh blood bump!!

I've been doing horrible things to that engine, it just won't die..  I flog the crap outta it cold or hot.. Oil hasn't been changed in at least 20K miles..  I just keep adding to it...  Got tired of actually buying oil for it..  I was given about 10 cases (12 qt per case) of some 15+ year old 30 weight air compressor oil, guess what's been going in it  ;D.. I been topping the coolant off with old stuff I've drained from customer cars..  SOme extended life, some green, some ???  I've blown several hoses and warmed it up to 250 - 260 deg F many times..  I did have to give up on burning WVO and WMO in it.. The heat exchanger is all gunked up from the oil in the coolant..

Oh wow, that motor just can't die! The compressor oil is a nice touch!

It's all in the compressor oil..  I got some dandy straight line black marks on the pavement out of it the other day..

Jeremy I Fixed your Name in a few places

Told you to keep the Rug Burnt Forehead stories between us  :-* lol

I just reliezed that on January 21, 2010 Tyler called me a moron  :'(
*hug (no homo :O)
HugYouBoth, HoMo ;)
Pssh.. you know you want in on it!
Get a room!!
Where is Tyler!

Bump for getting a Written Warning for going 170 in a 100...and almost getting creamed by a transport a day later going the speed limit

2012 VW Golf 2.5 5speed Deep Black Pearl
1999.5 VW Jetta TDI Bosch .216mm injectors and Malone stage 2, soon 11mm pump and vnt 22(parked for the winter)
2010 VW Golf City 2.0L "Hers"

Reply #232March 03, 2011, 10:15:55 pm


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Re: Shenanigans
« Reply #232 on: March 03, 2011, 10:15:55 pm »
Fine with me, it looked kinda one a those kaleidoscope things, but then it got messed up :'(.

yea, someone had to ruin the fun.
simple minds are entertained by simple things.

I'll do my part...

Here's my part too.........X2 about our simple minds ;D
My part also ;D

HAHA who else does this kinda thing? :D

This is probably the best forum on the net because we do this kind of stuff and no one comments call us all kinds of names. and we can ask actually questions and have real good answers right away with it, i'm a moron


who woulda thought that we could actually get to 2 pages of this?

my mom calls me simple all the time :( lol Cheers to simple minds on the internetz
Kevin and Jeremy, 2 words, Why TDI ;D
Why TDI!?!??!!?!? YTDI, is that like.. new? Well Catlin you see, WhyNot TDI would just be childish and immature. TDI is the only way to go. I soooo plan on it in the future. I WILL own a TDI powered mk1 for sure :)

btw, just noticed that Catlin called himself a moron. Lmao  ;D
Use the search option and look for Why TDI and look what happens when we get bored and our VW's aren't broken
That actually happens???
Not when you keep using crappy fixes Brett :P I remember that Why TDI thread now! WOW We made it nine pages!! CRAZY!
ahh, good ole "Why TDI", what a good time that was...  Right Jeremy!
Usually the crappy fixes work for me..  It's when I do it right that things explode....
Way to rub it in that i got the thread locked Brett, and Yes it was a ton'o'fun. However there were other pictures posted that mods didn't like and removed as well... MMy pictures had the Fword, not nudity lol.
No Stimulus package this time Lucas :P Unless it is a sexy ass VW!
This actually looking really cool since my last visit........and guys lets try to not get this thread locked too ;)
MY 1000th POST GUYS..... And of course, I saved it for the Shenanigans thread :)!
YAY Congrads lol. I should be there soon. As long as we don't post pictures and no vulgar language we'll be fine  ;)
noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo   ;)  :-*

Anyone see Book of Eli!? THAT MOVIE IS AMAZING!
Nope, I'll wait for it to be released on DVD
I thought it was a great movie. I don't think there is any aspect of the movie that requires the big screen though. If I bought movies, I'd buy that one.
bump  ;D
Monthly checkup
Same I guess.........
i cant believe that the thread is still alive. this is awesome...
lol it is pretty cool, I guess its because we are actually behaving ourselfs for once :P
speak for yourself

I think I sense some sarcasm from Kevo up there... lol

nope, no sarcasm at all, i was one of the founding fathers of this page, i think its friggen awesome. and pretty hilarious.
That pic in the middle kinda screws it up a bit but it's still kinda neat haha.
there, no more picture to distract our simple minds. haha
LOL thanks it was kinna annoying
BUMP!!!! ;D
I wonder how much more of this the forum server can handle before it finally gives us the finger?

Bump!! to the top..
I was JUST wondering when this was going to get a Bump lol ;D

THE LAST BUMP WAS JUNE 23RD COME ON PEOPLE!!!!....Especially Jeremy and Kevin DO SOME WORK!!! lol

Should have a Daily Bump :P TDI swap ftw ;)
I just wanted my name back in the mix. I know I posted recently, but didn't see it :D :D :D:D

Bump to have Rabbit on Roids Back we miss him :'(

Indeed..  I told him that that certain someone feeds off of being argued with..  Already went that route myself..  Probably why that someone has been kicked off a dozen other forums..  Tis a shame all around as there was alot of knowledge that could have been shared in better ways...     

Tis a shame too that I haven't driven a VW since the end of may..  :(
Yeah I miss him too. ROR NOT the other guy. Maybe he could come back someday. I don't understand the complete story from all ends so I shouldn't have an opinion, and I am not a mod...don't want to be... would have banned the other guy long before ROR and maybe he would still be here. I got into it with him on one thread and I am not a hot headed guy for the most part, but I said my peace and ignored everything he had to say afterward. That is probably what everyone should do LOL

Bingo..   I don't get too worked up over anything these days, but that person just seemed to have the knack of pushing buttons.. Plain ignoring him (or anyone of the like) is the best route..   That said, the sad thing is he'll be back.

(Heads Up Moderators!) It seems we frequent a lot of the same forums and his MO is to wait a bit and sign up with a new name and email and continue the same shenanigans (usually worse) till booted again..

The funny thing is on the 16th he had signed back up with the same user name some how....didn;t last long thou.

Bump..  8)
Beer time Bump :P

Afternoon bump.

Welcome home everyone!

The forum is back online!  ;D

Beer and BBQ Peanuts Bump ;D

Morning time, not even completely awake bump..

Going to get the TDI in 2 days Bump ;D

OH and Beer bump also
I haven't been quoted since august bump :D

Happy Turkey Day EH!
How did I never see this thread until now? This is epic...

haha, yea, this is by far one of the best topics on the whole forum! great information here!

Yea RadoTD this is what happens when we are left to watch over ourselfs ;D I forgot even how this thread started. All I remember is tyler Moved if off another thread for us lol

you and i got going with the huge quotes inside of quotes, and then it turned into this, isnt it awesome?!
Wow, and just think... some mod took precious time out of their day that could've possibly been spent with their wife and kids to split a thread to keep this sandbox of yours alive.
You guys should feel honored! You are clearly loved! :-*

pretty sure it was Tyler that gave us our own thread..

and the WHY TDI thread is locked i think.. i couldnt bump it..

2 pages of bumps, and everyone forgot how to bump this thread.

just thought i would remind everyone about the "epic quoting"
41.007 MPG tonight bump :D

Ps.. I wonder what happens when the quote tree gets wider than the resolution of your screen? Would the page side scroll?
Only one way to find out! ;)

God this is awesome.. i swear we are the only forum with a thread this awesome..

That is simply amazing lol wanting it to be summer break so i can finish my car!... BUMP
No posting without growing the quote tree!  >:(
Must achieve enlightenment in the form of a side scrolling quote tree!
I Support side SCROLLING

look how tiny the center quote is getting..
February 1st BUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Our groundhog saw its shadow. 6 weeks :)

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WANT WINTER TO BE OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!
stole catlin's pic bump :D

PICTURE THEIF!!!!!!!!!!!


Eh, he's just older and wiser now.... Or Something..

BUMP for another 3K miles on the crack engine!  Time for the weekly sucking of the oil from the coolant bottle...

Bretski.. hows the Oldy coming along? ever find a pump for it?

and that crack-addicted 11mm engine has been going strong now for a while.. kinda amazes me  ;)

I have a pump finally..  actually I have a whole flippin truck..  I did some work on an old Case tractor for the guy in trade for the pump (simple job too)..  2 days ago he drove the truck over here and dumped it off, told me to have at it and junk the rest..  THe engine had a blown HG/cracked head and the truck is rust, but the pump works, and it has some sweet alloy wheels that just may fall on my dad's f-250.. Now to get the darned olds dug out of the ice/snow and back in the garage...

Crack motor is actually starting to scare me.. The last several days it has been running REALLY well..  I actually managed a couple respectable burn outs..  I parked it though the hottest parts of the summer because I just wasn't trusting the oil soaked hoses (and I'm getting old and enjoy frosty cold A/C, keeps my beer cold in the cup holder  ;))..  I swapped some of the rubber goo out for used hoses I had around and just keep suctioning the oil outta the reservoir once or twice a week.. I'm not feeling brave enough to take it on a several hundred mile trip, but it still does it's almost 100 miles a day 5 days a week... Some day before the car rusts apart I will get the new engine it it...  Maybe...

I still wonder how the hell that motor works!..

And BUMP for fresh blood entering here  ;D

X2 on the fresh blood bump!!

I've been doing horrible things to that engine, it just won't die..  I flog the crap outta it cold or hot.. Oil hasn't been changed in at least 20K miles..  I just keep adding to it...  Got tired of actually buying oil for it..  I was given about 10 cases (12 qt per case) of some 15+ year old 30 weight air compressor oil, guess what's been going in it  ;D.. I been topping the coolant off with old stuff I've drained from customer cars..  SOme extended life, some green, some ???  I've blown several hoses and warmed it up to 250 - 260 deg F many times..  I did have to give up on burning WVO and WMO in it.. The heat exchanger is all gunked up from the oil in the coolant..

Oh wow, that motor just can't die! The compressor oil is a nice touch!

It's all in the compressor oil..  I got some dandy straight line black marks on the pavement out of it the other day..

Jeremy I Fixed your Name in a few places

Told you to keep the Rug Burnt Forehead stories between us  :-* lol

I just reliezed that on January 21, 2010 Tyler called me a moron  :'(
*hug (no homo :O)
HugYouBoth, HoMo ;)
Pssh.. you know you want in on it!
Get a room!!
Where is Tyler!

Bump for getting a Written Warning for going 170 in a 100...and almost getting creamed by a transport a day later going the speed limit
I didn't even need to look to know it was Catlin. Whom else would it have been?

Reply #233March 03, 2011, 11:34:11 pm


  • Guest
Re: Shenanigans
« Reply #233 on: March 03, 2011, 11:34:11 pm »
Fine with me, it looked kinda one a those kaleidoscope things, but then it got messed up :'(.

yea, someone had to ruin the fun.
simple minds are entertained by simple things.

I'll do my part...

Here's my part too.........X2 about our simple minds ;D
My part also ;D

HAHA who else does this kinda thing? :D

This is probably the best forum on the net because we do this kind of stuff and no one comments call us all kinds of names. and we can ask actually questions and have real good answers right away with it, i'm a moron


who woulda thought that we could actually get to 2 pages of this?

my mom calls me simple all the time :( lol Cheers to simple minds on the internetz
Kevin and Jeremy, 2 words, Why TDI ;D
Why TDI!?!??!!?!? YTDI, is that like.. new? Well Catlin you see, WhyNot TDI would just be childish and immature. TDI is the only way to go. I soooo plan on it in the future. I WILL own a TDI powered mk1 for sure :)

btw, just noticed that Catlin called himself a moron. Lmao  ;D
Use the search option and look for Why TDI and look what happens when we get bored and our VW's aren't broken
That actually happens???
Not when you keep using crappy fixes Brett :P I remember that Why TDI thread now! WOW We made it nine pages!! CRAZY!
ahh, good ole "Why TDI", what a good time that was...  Right Jeremy!
Usually the crappy fixes work for me..  It's when I do it right that things explode....
Way to rub it in that i got the thread locked Brett, and Yes it was a ton'o'fun. However there were other pictures posted that mods didn't like and removed as well... MMy pictures had the Fword, not nudity lol.
No Stimulus package this time Lucas :P Unless it is a sexy ass VW!
This actually looking really cool since my last visit........and guys lets try to not get this thread locked too ;)
MY 1000th POST GUYS..... And of course, I saved it for the Shenanigans thread :)!
YAY Congrads lol. I should be there soon. As long as we don't post pictures and no vulgar language we'll be fine  ;)
noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo   ;)  :-*

Anyone see Book of Eli!? THAT MOVIE IS AMAZING!
Nope, I'll wait for it to be released on DVD
I thought it was a great movie. I don't think there is any aspect of the movie that requires the big screen though. If I bought movies, I'd buy that one.
bump  ;D
Monthly checkup
Same I guess.........
i cant believe that the thread is still alive. this is awesome...
lol it is pretty cool, I guess its because we are actually behaving ourselfs for once :P
speak for yourself

I think I sense some sarcasm from Kevo up there... lol

nope, no sarcasm at all, i was one of the founding fathers of this page, i think its friggen awesome. and pretty hilarious.
That pic in the middle kinda screws it up a bit but it's still kinda neat haha.
there, no more picture to distract our simple minds. haha
LOL thanks it was kinna annoying
BUMP!!!! ;D
I wonder how much more of this the forum server can handle before it finally gives us the finger?

Bump!! to the top..
I was JUST wondering when this was going to get a Bump lol ;D

THE LAST BUMP WAS JUNE 23RD COME ON PEOPLE!!!!....Especially Jeremy and Kevin DO SOME WORK!!! lol

Should have a Daily Bump :P TDI swap ftw ;)
I just wanted my name back in the mix. I know I posted recently, but didn't see it :D :D :D:D

Bump to have Rabbit on Roids Back we miss him :'(

Indeed..  I told him that that certain someone feeds off of being argued with..  Already went that route myself..  Probably why that someone has been kicked off a dozen other forums..  Tis a shame all around as there was alot of knowledge that could have been shared in better ways...     

Tis a shame too that I haven't driven a VW since the end of may..  :(
Yeah I miss him too. ROR NOT the other guy. Maybe he could come back someday. I don't understand the complete story from all ends so I shouldn't have an opinion, and I am not a mod...don't want to be... would have banned the other guy long before ROR and maybe he would still be here. I got into it with him on one thread and I am not a hot headed guy for the most part, but I said my peace and ignored everything he had to say afterward. That is probably what everyone should do LOL

Bingo..   I don't get too worked up over anything these days, but that person just seemed to have the knack of pushing buttons.. Plain ignoring him (or anyone of the like) is the best route..   That said, the sad thing is he'll be back.

(Heads Up Moderators!) It seems we frequent a lot of the same forums and his MO is to wait a bit and sign up with a new name and email and continue the same shenanigans (usually worse) till booted again..

The funny thing is on the 16th he had signed back up with the same user name some how....didn;t last long thou.

Bump..  8)
Beer time Bump :P

Afternoon bump.

Welcome home everyone!

The forum is back online!  ;D

Beer and BBQ Peanuts Bump ;D

Morning time, not even completely awake bump..

Going to get the TDI in 2 days Bump ;D

OH and Beer bump also
I haven't been quoted since august bump :D

Happy Turkey Day EH!
How did I never see this thread until now? This is epic...

haha, yea, this is by far one of the best topics on the whole forum! great information here!

Yea RadoTD this is what happens when we are left to watch over ourselfs ;D I forgot even how this thread started. All I remember is tyler Moved if off another thread for us lol

you and i got going with the huge quotes inside of quotes, and then it turned into this, isnt it awesome?!
Wow, and just think... some mod took precious time out of their day that could've possibly been spent with their wife and kids to split a thread to keep this sandbox of yours alive.
You guys should feel honored! You are clearly loved! :-*

pretty sure it was Tyler that gave us our own thread..

and the WHY TDI thread is locked i think.. i couldnt bump it..

2 pages of bumps, and everyone forgot how to bump this thread.

just thought i would remind everyone about the "epic quoting"
41.007 MPG tonight bump :D

Ps.. I wonder what happens when the quote tree gets wider than the resolution of your screen? Would the page side scroll?
Only one way to find out! ;)

God this is awesome.. i swear we are the only forum with a thread this awesome..

That is simply amazing lol wanting it to be summer break so i can finish my car!... BUMP
No posting without growing the quote tree!  >:(
Must achieve enlightenment in the form of a side scrolling quote tree!
I Support side SCROLLING

look how tiny the center quote is getting..
February 1st BUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Our groundhog saw its shadow. 6 weeks :)

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WANT WINTER TO BE OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!
stole catlin's pic bump :D

PICTURE THEIF!!!!!!!!!!!


Eh, he's just older and wiser now.... Or Something..

BUMP for another 3K miles on the crack engine!  Time for the weekly sucking of the oil from the coolant bottle...

Bretski.. hows the Oldy coming along? ever find a pump for it?

and that crack-addicted 11mm engine has been going strong now for a while.. kinda amazes me  ;)

I have a pump finally..  actually I have a whole flippin truck..  I did some work on an old Case tractor for the guy in trade for the pump (simple job too)..  2 days ago he drove the truck over here and dumped it off, told me to have at it and junk the rest..  THe engine had a blown HG/cracked head and the truck is rust, but the pump works, and it has some sweet alloy wheels that just may fall on my dad's f-250.. Now to get the darned olds dug out of the ice/snow and back in the garage...

Crack motor is actually starting to scare me.. The last several days it has been running REALLY well..  I actually managed a couple respectable burn outs..  I parked it though the hottest parts of the summer because I just wasn't trusting the oil soaked hoses (and I'm getting old and enjoy frosty cold A/C, keeps my beer cold in the cup holder  ;))..  I swapped some of the rubber goo out for used hoses I had around and just keep suctioning the oil outta the reservoir once or twice a week.. I'm not feeling brave enough to take it on a several hundred mile trip, but it still does it's almost 100 miles a day 5 days a week... Some day before the car rusts apart I will get the new engine it it...  Maybe...

I still wonder how the hell that motor works!..

And BUMP for fresh blood entering here  ;D

X2 on the fresh blood bump!!

I've been doing horrible things to that engine, it just won't die..  I flog the crap outta it cold or hot.. Oil hasn't been changed in at least 20K miles..  I just keep adding to it...  Got tired of actually buying oil for it..  I was given about 10 cases (12 qt per case) of some 15+ year old 30 weight air compressor oil, guess what's been going in it  ;D.. I been topping the coolant off with old stuff I've drained from customer cars..  SOme extended life, some green, some ???  I've blown several hoses and warmed it up to 250 - 260 deg F many times..  I did have to give up on burning WVO and WMO in it.. The heat exchanger is all gunked up from the oil in the coolant..

Oh wow, that motor just can't die! The compressor oil is a nice touch!

It's all in the compressor oil..  I got some dandy straight line black marks on the pavement out of it the other day..

Jeremy I Fixed your Name in a few places

Told you to keep the Rug Burnt Forehead stories between us  :-* lol

I just reliezed that on January 21, 2010 Tyler called me a moron  :'(
*hug (no homo :O)
HugYouBoth, HoMo ;)
Pssh.. you know you want in on it!
Get a room!!
Where is Tyler!

Bump for getting a Written Warning for going 170 in a 100...and almost getting creamed by a transport a day later going the speed limit
I didn't even need to look to know it was Catlin. Whom else would it have been?
Only the crazy NEWF! lmao

Reply #234March 04, 2011, 01:35:50 am


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Re: Shenanigans
« Reply #234 on: March 04, 2011, 01:35:50 am »
Fine with me, it looked kinda one a those kaleidoscope things, but then it got messed up :'(.

yea, someone had to ruin the fun.
simple minds are entertained by simple things.

I'll do my part...

Here's my part too.........X2 about our simple minds ;D
My part also ;D

HAHA who else does this kinda thing? :D

This is probably the best forum on the net because we do this kind of stuff and no one comments call us all kinds of names. and we can ask actually questions and have real good answers right away with it, i'm a moron


who woulda thought that we could actually get to 2 pages of this?

my mom calls me simple all the time :( lol Cheers to simple minds on the internetz
Kevin and Jeremy, 2 words, Why TDI ;D
Why TDI!?!??!!?!? YTDI, is that like.. new? Well Catlin you see, WhyNot TDI would just be childish and immature. TDI is the only way to go. I soooo plan on it in the future. I WILL own a TDI powered mk1 for sure :)

btw, just noticed that Catlin called himself a moron. Lmao  ;D
Use the search option and look for Why TDI and look what happens when we get bored and our VW's aren't broken
That actually happens???
Not when you keep using crappy fixes Brett :P I remember that Why TDI thread now! WOW We made it nine pages!! CRAZY!
ahh, good ole "Why TDI", what a good time that was...  Right Jeremy!
Usually the crappy fixes work for me..  It's when I do it right that things explode....
Way to rub it in that i got the thread locked Brett, and Yes it was a ton'o'fun. However there were other pictures posted that mods didn't like and removed as well... MMy pictures had the Fword, not nudity lol.
No Stimulus package this time Lucas :P Unless it is a sexy ass VW!
This actually looking really cool since my last visit........and guys lets try to not get this thread locked too ;)
MY 1000th POST GUYS..... And of course, I saved it for the Shenanigans thread :)!
YAY Congrads lol. I should be there soon. As long as we don't post pictures and no vulgar language we'll be fine  ;)
noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo   ;)  :-*

Anyone see Book of Eli!? THAT MOVIE IS AMAZING!
Nope, I'll wait for it to be released on DVD
I thought it was a great movie. I don't think there is any aspect of the movie that requires the big screen though. If I bought movies, I'd buy that one.
bump  ;D
Monthly checkup
Same I guess.........
i cant believe that the thread is still alive. this is awesome...
lol it is pretty cool, I guess its because we are actually behaving ourselfs for once :P
speak for yourself

I think I sense some sarcasm from Kevo up there... lol

nope, no sarcasm at all, i was one of the founding fathers of this page, i think its friggen awesome. and pretty hilarious.
That pic in the middle kinda screws it up a bit but it's still kinda neat haha.
there, no more picture to distract our simple minds. haha
LOL thanks it was kinna annoying
BUMP!!!! ;D
I wonder how much more of this the forum server can handle before it finally gives us the finger?

Bump!! to the top..
I was JUST wondering when this was going to get a Bump lol ;D

THE LAST BUMP WAS JUNE 23RD COME ON PEOPLE!!!!....Especially Jeremy and Kevin DO SOME WORK!!! lol

Should have a Daily Bump :P TDI swap ftw ;)
I just wanted my name back in the mix. I know I posted recently, but didn't see it :D :D :D:D

Bump to have Rabbit on Roids Back we miss him :'(

Indeed..  I told him that that certain someone feeds off of being argued with..  Already went that route myself..  Probably why that someone has been kicked off a dozen other forums..  Tis a shame all around as there was alot of knowledge that could have been shared in better ways...     

Tis a shame too that I haven't driven a VW since the end of may..  :(
Yeah I miss him too. ROR NOT the other guy. Maybe he could come back someday. I don't understand the complete story from all ends so I shouldn't have an opinion, and I am not a mod...don't want to be... would have banned the other guy long before ROR and maybe he would still be here. I got into it with him on one thread and I am not a hot headed guy for the most part, but I said my peace and ignored everything he had to say afterward. That is probably what everyone should do LOL

Bingo..   I don't get too worked up over anything these days, but that person just seemed to have the knack of pushing buttons.. Plain ignoring him (or anyone of the like) is the best route..   That said, the sad thing is he'll be back.

(Heads Up Moderators!) It seems we frequent a lot of the same forums and his MO is to wait a bit and sign up with a new name and email and continue the same shenanigans (usually worse) till booted again..

The funny thing is on the 16th he had signed back up with the same user name some how....didn;t last long thou.

Bump..  8)
Beer time Bump :P

Afternoon bump.

Welcome home everyone!

The forum is back online!  ;D

Beer and BBQ Peanuts Bump ;D

Morning time, not even completely awake bump..

Going to get the TDI in 2 days Bump ;D

OH and Beer bump also
I haven't been quoted since august bump :D

Happy Turkey Day EH!
How did I never see this thread until now? This is epic...

haha, yea, this is by far one of the best topics on the whole forum! great information here!

Yea RadoTD this is what happens when we are left to watch over ourselfs ;D I forgot even how this thread started. All I remember is tyler Moved if off another thread for us lol

you and i got going with the huge quotes inside of quotes, and then it turned into this, isnt it awesome?!
Wow, and just think... some mod took precious time out of their day that could've possibly been spent with their wife and kids to split a thread to keep this sandbox of yours alive.
You guys should feel honored! You are clearly loved! :-*

pretty sure it was Tyler that gave us our own thread..

and the WHY TDI thread is locked i think.. i couldnt bump it..

2 pages of bumps, and everyone forgot how to bump this thread.

just thought i would remind everyone about the "epic quoting"
41.007 MPG tonight bump :D

Ps.. I wonder what happens when the quote tree gets wider than the resolution of your screen? Would the page side scroll?
Only one way to find out! ;)

God this is awesome.. i swear we are the only forum with a thread this awesome..

That is simply amazing lol wanting it to be summer break so i can finish my car!... BUMP
No posting without growing the quote tree!  >:(
Must achieve enlightenment in the form of a side scrolling quote tree!
I Support side SCROLLING

look how tiny the center quote is getting..
February 1st BUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Our groundhog saw its shadow. 6 weeks :)

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WANT WINTER TO BE OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!
stole catlin's pic bump :D

PICTURE THEIF!!!!!!!!!!!


Eh, he's just older and wiser now.... Or Something..

BUMP for another 3K miles on the crack engine!  Time for the weekly sucking of the oil from the coolant bottle...

Bretski.. hows the Oldy coming along? ever find a pump for it?

and that crack-addicted 11mm engine has been going strong now for a while.. kinda amazes me  ;)

I have a pump finally..  actually I have a whole flippin truck..  I did some work on an old Case tractor for the guy in trade for the pump (simple job too)..  2 days ago he drove the truck over here and dumped it off, told me to have at it and junk the rest..  THe engine had a blown HG/cracked head and the truck is rust, but the pump works, and it has some sweet alloy wheels that just may fall on my dad's f-250.. Now to get the darned olds dug out of the ice/snow and back in the garage...

Crack motor is actually starting to scare me.. The last several days it has been running REALLY well..  I actually managed a couple respectable burn outs..  I parked it though the hottest parts of the summer because I just wasn't trusting the oil soaked hoses (and I'm getting old and enjoy frosty cold A/C, keeps my beer cold in the cup holder  ;))..  I swapped some of the rubber goo out for used hoses I had around and just keep suctioning the oil outta the reservoir once or twice a week.. I'm not feeling brave enough to take it on a several hundred mile trip, but it still does it's almost 100 miles a day 5 days a week... Some day before the car rusts apart I will get the new engine it it...  Maybe...

I still wonder how the hell that motor works!..

And BUMP for fresh blood entering here  ;D

X2 on the fresh blood bump!!

I've been doing horrible things to that engine, it just won't die..  I flog the crap outta it cold or hot.. Oil hasn't been changed in at least 20K miles..  I just keep adding to it...  Got tired of actually buying oil for it..  I was given about 10 cases (12 qt per case) of some 15+ year old 30 weight air compressor oil, guess what's been going in it  ;D.. I been topping the coolant off with old stuff I've drained from customer cars..  SOme extended life, some green, some ???  I've blown several hoses and warmed it up to 250 - 260 deg F many times..  I did have to give up on burning WVO and WMO in it.. The heat exchanger is all gunked up from the oil in the coolant..

Oh wow, that motor just can't die! The compressor oil is a nice touch!

It's all in the compressor oil..  I got some dandy straight line black marks on the pavement out of it the other day..

Jeremy I Fixed your Name in a few places

Told you to keep the Rug Burnt Forehead stories between us  :-* lol

I just reliezed that on January 21, 2010 Tyler called me a moron  :'(
*hug (no homo :O)
HugYouBoth, HoMo ;)
Pssh.. you know you want in on it!
Get a room!!
Where is Tyler!

Bump for getting a Written Warning for going 170 in a 100...and almost getting creamed by a transport a day later going the speed limit
I didn't even need to look to know it was Catlin. Whom else would it have been?
Only the crazy NEWF! lmao
Oh man, you are so lucky. If that were in BC, you would've gotten anally probed with a tazer by the police. Then the cleanup bill would be sent to your family

enough boost is when you have 3 dimple marks in the hood from the valve cover nuts..  ;D

Reply #235March 06, 2011, 10:46:14 pm


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Re: Shenanigans
« Reply #235 on: March 06, 2011, 10:46:14 pm »
Fine with me, it looked kinda one a those kaleidoscope things, but then it got messed up :'(.

yea, someone had to ruin the fun.
simple minds are entertained by simple things.

I'll do my part...

Here's my part too.........X2 about our simple minds ;D
My part also ;D

HAHA who else does this kinda thing? :D

This is probably the best forum on the net because we do this kind of stuff and no one comments call us all kinds of names. and we can ask actually questions and have real good answers right away with it, i'm a moron


who woulda thought that we could actually get to 2 pages of this?

my mom calls me simple all the time :( lol Cheers to simple minds on the internetz
Kevin and Jeremy, 2 words, Why TDI ;D
Why TDI!?!??!!?!? YTDI, is that like.. new? Well Catlin you see, WhyNot TDI would just be childish and immature. TDI is the only way to go. I soooo plan on it in the future. I WILL own a TDI powered mk1 for sure :)

btw, just noticed that Catlin called himself a moron. Lmao  ;D
Use the search option and look for Why TDI and look what happens when we get bored and our VW's aren't broken
That actually happens???
Not when you keep using crappy fixes Brett :P I remember that Why TDI thread now! WOW We made it nine pages!! CRAZY!
ahh, good ole "Why TDI", what a good time that was...  Right Jeremy!
Usually the crappy fixes work for me..  It's when I do it right that things explode....
Way to rub it in that i got the thread locked Brett, and Yes it was a ton'o'fun. However there were other pictures posted that mods didn't like and removed as well... MMy pictures had the Fword, not nudity lol.
No Stimulus package this time Lucas :P Unless it is a sexy ass VW!
This actually looking really cool since my last visit........and guys lets try to not get this thread locked too ;)
MY 1000th POST GUYS..... And of course, I saved it for the Shenanigans thread :)!
YAY Congrads lol. I should be there soon. As long as we don't post pictures and no vulgar language we'll be fine  ;)
noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo   ;)  :-*

Anyone see Book of Eli!? THAT MOVIE IS AMAZING!
Nope, I'll wait for it to be released on DVD
I thought it was a great movie. I don't think there is any aspect of the movie that requires the big screen though. If I bought movies, I'd buy that one.
bump  ;D
Monthly checkup
Same I guess.........
i cant believe that the thread is still alive. this is awesome...
lol it is pretty cool, I guess its because we are actually behaving ourselfs for once :P
speak for yourself

I think I sense some sarcasm from Kevo up there... lol

nope, no sarcasm at all, i was one of the founding fathers of this page, i think its friggen awesome. and pretty hilarious.
That pic in the middle kinda screws it up a bit but it's still kinda neat haha.
there, no more picture to distract our simple minds. haha
LOL thanks it was kinna annoying
BUMP!!!! ;D
I wonder how much more of this the forum server can handle before it finally gives us the finger?

Bump!! to the top..
I was JUST wondering when this was going to get a Bump lol ;D

THE LAST BUMP WAS JUNE 23RD COME ON PEOPLE!!!!....Especially Jeremy and Kevin DO SOME WORK!!! lol

Should have a Daily Bump :P TDI swap ftw ;)
I just wanted my name back in the mix. I know I posted recently, but didn't see it :D :D :D:D

Bump to have Rabbit on Roids Back we miss him :'(

Indeed..  I told him that that certain someone feeds off of being argued with..  Already went that route myself..  Probably why that someone has been kicked off a dozen other forums..  Tis a shame all around as there was alot of knowledge that could have been shared in better ways...     

Tis a shame too that I haven't driven a VW since the end of may..  :(
Yeah I miss him too. ROR NOT the other guy. Maybe he could come back someday. I don't understand the complete story from all ends so I shouldn't have an opinion, and I am not a mod...don't want to be... would have banned the other guy long before ROR and maybe he would still be here. I got into it with him on one thread and I am not a hot headed guy for the most part, but I said my peace and ignored everything he had to say afterward. That is probably what everyone should do LOL

Bingo..   I don't get too worked up over anything these days, but that person just seemed to have the knack of pushing buttons.. Plain ignoring him (or anyone of the like) is the best route..   That said, the sad thing is he'll be back.

(Heads Up Moderators!) It seems we frequent a lot of the same forums and his MO is to wait a bit and sign up with a new name and email and continue the same shenanigans (usually worse) till booted again..

The funny thing is on the 16th he had signed back up with the same user name some how....didn;t last long thou.

Bump..  8)
Beer time Bump :P

Afternoon bump.

Welcome home everyone!

The forum is back online!  ;D

Beer and BBQ Peanuts Bump ;D

Morning time, not even completely awake bump..

Going to get the TDI in 2 days Bump ;D

OH and Beer bump also
I haven't been quoted since august bump :D

Happy Turkey Day EH!
How did I never see this thread until now? This is epic...

haha, yea, this is by far one of the best topics on the whole forum! great information here!

Yea RadoTD this is what happens when we are left to watch over ourselfs ;D I forgot even how this thread started. All I remember is tyler Moved if off another thread for us lol

you and i got going with the huge quotes inside of quotes, and then it turned into this, isnt it awesome?!
Wow, and just think... some mod took precious time out of their day that could've possibly been spent with their wife and kids to split a thread to keep this sandbox of yours alive.
You guys should feel honored! You are clearly loved! :-*

pretty sure it was Tyler that gave us our own thread..

and the WHY TDI thread is locked i think.. i couldnt bump it..

2 pages of bumps, and everyone forgot how to bump this thread.

just thought i would remind everyone about the "epic quoting"
41.007 MPG tonight bump :D

Ps.. I wonder what happens when the quote tree gets wider than the resolution of your screen? Would the page side scroll?
Only one way to find out! ;)

God this is awesome.. i swear we are the only forum with a thread this awesome..

That is simply amazing lol wanting it to be summer break so i can finish my car!... BUMP
No posting without growing the quote tree!  >:(
Must achieve enlightenment in the form of a side scrolling quote tree!
I Support side SCROLLING

look how tiny the center quote is getting..
February 1st BUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Our groundhog saw its shadow. 6 weeks :)

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WANT WINTER TO BE OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!
stole catlin's pic bump :D

PICTURE THEIF!!!!!!!!!!!


Eh, he's just older and wiser now.... Or Something..

BUMP for another 3K miles on the crack engine!  Time for the weekly sucking of the oil from the coolant bottle...

Bretski.. hows the Oldy coming along? ever find a pump for it?

and that crack-addicted 11mm engine has been going strong now for a while.. kinda amazes me  ;)

I have a pump finally..  actually I have a whole flippin truck..  I did some work on an old Case tractor for the guy in trade for the pump (simple job too)..  2 days ago he drove the truck over here and dumped it off, told me to have at it and junk the rest..  THe engine had a blown HG/cracked head and the truck is rust, but the pump works, and it has some sweet alloy wheels that just may fall on my dad's f-250.. Now to get the darned olds dug out of the ice/snow and back in the garage...

Crack motor is actually starting to scare me.. The last several days it has been running REALLY well..  I actually managed a couple respectable burn outs..  I parked it though the hottest parts of the summer because I just wasn't trusting the oil soaked hoses (and I'm getting old and enjoy frosty cold A/C, keeps my beer cold in the cup holder  ;))..  I swapped some of the rubber goo out for used hoses I had around and just keep suctioning the oil outta the reservoir once or twice a week.. I'm not feeling brave enough to take it on a several hundred mile trip, but it still does it's almost 100 miles a day 5 days a week... Some day before the car rusts apart I will get the new engine it it...  Maybe...

I still wonder how the hell that motor works!..

And BUMP for fresh blood entering here  ;D

X2 on the fresh blood bump!!

I've been doing horrible things to that engine, it just won't die..  I flog the crap outta it cold or hot.. Oil hasn't been changed in at least 20K miles..  I just keep adding to it...  Got tired of actually buying oil for it..  I was given about 10 cases (12 qt per case) of some 15+ year old 30 weight air compressor oil, guess what's been going in it  ;D.. I been topping the coolant off with old stuff I've drained from customer cars..  SOme extended life, some green, some ???  I've blown several hoses and warmed it up to 250 - 260 deg F many times..  I did have to give up on burning WVO and WMO in it.. The heat exchanger is all gunked up from the oil in the coolant..

Oh wow, that motor just can't die! The compressor oil is a nice touch!

It's all in the compressor oil..  I got some dandy straight line black marks on the pavement out of it the other day..

Jeremy I Fixed your Name in a few places

Told you to keep the Rug Burnt Forehead stories between us  :-* lol

I just reliezed that on January 21, 2010 Tyler called me a moron  :'(
*hug (no homo :O)
HugYouBoth, HoMo ;)
Pssh.. you know you want in on it!
Get a room!!
Where is Tyler!

Bump for getting a Written Warning for going 170 in a 100...and almost getting creamed by a transport a day later going the speed limit
I didn't even need to look to know it was Catlin. Whom else would it have been?
Only the crazy NEWF! lmao
Oh man, you are so lucky. If that were in BC, you would've gotten anally probed with a tazer by the police. Then the cleanup bill would be sent to your family

Bump for going from a sunny and beautiful 62 deg day to 27 deg and 5 inches of snow within 24 hours..  >:(

Reply #236March 07, 2011, 01:51:52 pm


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Re: Shenanigans
« Reply #236 on: March 07, 2011, 01:51:52 pm »
Fine with me, it looked kinda one a those kaleidoscope things, but then it got messed up :'(.

yea, someone had to ruin the fun.
simple minds are entertained by simple things.

I'll do my part...

Here's my part too.........X2 about our simple minds ;D
My part also ;D

HAHA who else does this kinda thing? :D

This is probably the best forum on the net because we do this kind of stuff and no one comments call us all kinds of names. and we can ask actually questions and have real good answers right away with it, i'm a moron


who woulda thought that we could actually get to 2 pages of this?

my mom calls me simple all the time :( lol Cheers to simple minds on the internetz
Kevin and Jeremy, 2 words, Why TDI ;D
Why TDI!?!??!!?!? YTDI, is that like.. new? Well Catlin you see, WhyNot TDI would just be childish and immature. TDI is the only way to go. I soooo plan on it in the future. I WILL own a TDI powered mk1 for sure :)

btw, just noticed that Catlin called himself a moron. Lmao  ;D
Use the search option and look for Why TDI and look what happens when we get bored and our VW's aren't broken
That actually happens???
Not when you keep using crappy fixes Brett :P I remember that Why TDI thread now! WOW We made it nine pages!! CRAZY!
ahh, good ole "Why TDI", what a good time that was...  Right Jeremy!
Usually the crappy fixes work for me..  It's when I do it right that things explode....
Way to rub it in that i got the thread locked Brett, and Yes it was a ton'o'fun. However there were other pictures posted that mods didn't like and removed as well... MMy pictures had the Fword, not nudity lol.
No Stimulus package this time Lucas :P Unless it is a sexy ass VW!
This actually looking really cool since my last visit........and guys lets try to not get this thread locked too ;)
MY 1000th POST GUYS..... And of course, I saved it for the Shenanigans thread :)!
YAY Congrads lol. I should be there soon. As long as we don't post pictures and no vulgar language we'll be fine  ;)
noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo   ;)  :-*

Anyone see Book of Eli!? THAT MOVIE IS AMAZING!
Nope, I'll wait for it to be released on DVD
I thought it was a great movie. I don't think there is any aspect of the movie that requires the big screen though. If I bought movies, I'd buy that one.
bump  ;D
Monthly checkup
Same I guess.........
i cant believe that the thread is still alive. this is awesome...
lol it is pretty cool, I guess its because we are actually behaving ourselfs for once :P
speak for yourself

I think I sense some sarcasm from Kevo up there... lol

nope, no sarcasm at all, i was one of the founding fathers of this page, i think its friggen awesome. and pretty hilarious.
That pic in the middle kinda screws it up a bit but it's still kinda neat haha.
there, no more picture to distract our simple minds. haha
LOL thanks it was kinna annoying
BUMP!!!! ;D
I wonder how much more of this the forum server can handle before it finally gives us the finger?

Bump!! to the top..
I was JUST wondering when this was going to get a Bump lol ;D

THE LAST BUMP WAS JUNE 23RD COME ON PEOPLE!!!!....Especially Jeremy and Kevin DO SOME WORK!!! lol

Should have a Daily Bump :P TDI swap ftw ;)
I just wanted my name back in the mix. I know I posted recently, but didn't see it :D :D :D:D

Bump to have Rabbit on Roids Back we miss him :'(

Indeed..  I told him that that certain someone feeds off of being argued with..  Already went that route myself..  Probably why that someone has been kicked off a dozen other forums..  Tis a shame all around as there was alot of knowledge that could have been shared in better ways...     

Tis a shame too that I haven't driven a VW since the end of may..  :(
Yeah I miss him too. ROR NOT the other guy. Maybe he could come back someday. I don't understand the complete story from all ends so I shouldn't have an opinion, and I am not a mod...don't want to be... would have banned the other guy long before ROR and maybe he would still be here. I got into it with him on one thread and I am not a hot headed guy for the most part, but I said my peace and ignored everything he had to say afterward. That is probably what everyone should do LOL

Bingo..   I don't get too worked up over anything these days, but that person just seemed to have the knack of pushing buttons.. Plain ignoring him (or anyone of the like) is the best route..   That said, the sad thing is he'll be back.

(Heads Up Moderators!) It seems we frequent a lot of the same forums and his MO is to wait a bit and sign up with a new name and email and continue the same shenanigans (usually worse) till booted again..

The funny thing is on the 16th he had signed back up with the same user name some how....didn;t last long thou.

Bump..  8)
Beer time Bump :P

Afternoon bump.

Welcome home everyone!

The forum is back online!  ;D

Beer and BBQ Peanuts Bump ;D

Morning time, not even completely awake bump..

Going to get the TDI in 2 days Bump ;D

OH and Beer bump also
I haven't been quoted since august bump :D

Happy Turkey Day EH!
How did I never see this thread until now? This is epic...

haha, yea, this is by far one of the best topics on the whole forum! great information here!

Yea RadoTD this is what happens when we are left to watch over ourselfs ;D I forgot even how this thread started. All I remember is tyler Moved if off another thread for us lol

you and i got going with the huge quotes inside of quotes, and then it turned into this, isnt it awesome?!
Wow, and just think... some mod took precious time out of their day that could've possibly been spent with their wife and kids to split a thread to keep this sandbox of yours alive.
You guys should feel honored! You are clearly loved! :-*

pretty sure it was Tyler that gave us our own thread..

and the WHY TDI thread is locked i think.. i couldnt bump it..

2 pages of bumps, and everyone forgot how to bump this thread.

just thought i would remind everyone about the "epic quoting"
41.007 MPG tonight bump :D

Ps.. I wonder what happens when the quote tree gets wider than the resolution of your screen? Would the page side scroll?
Only one way to find out! ;)

God this is awesome.. i swear we are the only forum with a thread this awesome..

That is simply amazing lol wanting it to be summer break so i can finish my car!... BUMP
No posting without growing the quote tree!  >:(
Must achieve enlightenment in the form of a side scrolling quote tree!
I Support side SCROLLING

look how tiny the center quote is getting..
February 1st BUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Our groundhog saw its shadow. 6 weeks :)

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WANT WINTER TO BE OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!
stole catlin's pic bump :D

PICTURE THEIF!!!!!!!!!!!


Eh, he's just older and wiser now.... Or Something..

BUMP for another 3K miles on the crack engine!  Time for the weekly sucking of the oil from the coolant bottle...

Bretski.. hows the Oldy coming along? ever find a pump for it?

and that crack-addicted 11mm engine has been going strong now for a while.. kinda amazes me  ;)

I have a pump finally..  actually I have a whole flippin truck..  I did some work on an old Case tractor for the guy in trade for the pump (simple job too)..  2 days ago he drove the truck over here and dumped it off, told me to have at it and junk the rest..  THe engine had a blown HG/cracked head and the truck is rust, but the pump works, and it has some sweet alloy wheels that just may fall on my dad's f-250.. Now to get the darned olds dug out of the ice/snow and back in the garage...

Crack motor is actually starting to scare me.. The last several days it has been running REALLY well..  I actually managed a couple respectable burn outs..  I parked it though the hottest parts of the summer because I just wasn't trusting the oil soaked hoses (and I'm getting old and enjoy frosty cold A/C, keeps my beer cold in the cup holder  ;))..  I swapped some of the rubber goo out for used hoses I had around and just keep suctioning the oil outta the reservoir once or twice a week.. I'm not feeling brave enough to take it on a several hundred mile trip, but it still does it's almost 100 miles a day 5 days a week... Some day before the car rusts apart I will get the new engine it it...  Maybe...

I still wonder how the hell that motor works!..

And BUMP for fresh blood entering here  ;D

X2 on the fresh blood bump!!

I've been doing horrible things to that engine, it just won't die..  I flog the crap outta it cold or hot.. Oil hasn't been changed in at least 20K miles..  I just keep adding to it...  Got tired of actually buying oil for it..  I was given about 10 cases (12 qt per case) of some 15+ year old 30 weight air compressor oil, guess what's been going in it  ;D.. I been topping the coolant off with old stuff I've drained from customer cars..  SOme extended life, some green, some ???  I've blown several hoses and warmed it up to 250 - 260 deg F many times..  I did have to give up on burning WVO and WMO in it.. The heat exchanger is all gunked up from the oil in the coolant..

Oh wow, that motor just can't die! The compressor oil is a nice touch!

It's all in the compressor oil..  I got some dandy straight line black marks on the pavement out of it the other day..

Jeremy I Fixed your Name in a few places

Told you to keep the Rug Burnt Forehead stories between us  :-* lol

I just reliezed that on January 21, 2010 Tyler called me a moron  :'(
*hug (no homo :O)
HugYouBoth, HoMo ;)
Pssh.. you know you want in on it!
Get a room!!
Where is Tyler!

Bump for getting a Written Warning for going 170 in a 100...and almost getting creamed by a transport a day later going the speed limit
I didn't even need to look to know it was Catlin. Whom else would it have been?
Only the crazy NEWF! lmao
Oh man, you are so lucky. If that were in BC, you would've gotten anally probed with a tazer by the police. Then the cleanup bill would be sent to your family

Bump for going from a sunny and beautiful 62 deg day to 27 deg and 5 inches of snow within 24 hours..  >:(

Bump again..  The 5" of snow is pretty much gone already, sunny & 45 deg  8)

Reply #237March 07, 2011, 02:12:14 pm


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Re: Shenanigans
« Reply #237 on: March 07, 2011, 02:12:14 pm »
Fine with me, it looked kinda one a those kaleidoscope things, but then it got messed up :'(.

yea, someone had to ruin the fun.
simple minds are entertained by simple things.

I'll do my part...

Here's my part too.........X2 about our simple minds ;D
My part also ;D

HAHA who else does this kinda thing? :D

This is probably the best forum on the net because we do this kind of stuff and no one comments call us all kinds of names. and we can ask actually questions and have real good answers right away with it, i'm a moron


who woulda thought that we could actually get to 2 pages of this?

my mom calls me simple all the time :( lol Cheers to simple minds on the internetz
Kevin and Jeremy, 2 words, Why TDI ;D
Why TDI!?!??!!?!? YTDI, is that like.. new? Well Catlin you see, WhyNot TDI would just be childish and immature. TDI is the only way to go. I soooo plan on it in the future. I WILL own a TDI powered mk1 for sure :)

btw, just noticed that Catlin called himself a moron. Lmao  ;D
Use the search option and look for Why TDI and look what happens when we get bored and our VW's aren't broken
That actually happens???
Not when you keep using crappy fixes Brett :P I remember that Why TDI thread now! WOW We made it nine pages!! CRAZY!
ahh, good ole "Why TDI", what a good time that was...  Right Jeremy!
Usually the crappy fixes work for me..  It's when I do it right that things explode....
Way to rub it in that i got the thread locked Brett, and Yes it was a ton'o'fun. However there were other pictures posted that mods didn't like and removed as well... MMy pictures had the Fword, not nudity lol.
No Stimulus package this time Lucas :P Unless it is a sexy ass VW!
This actually looking really cool since my last visit........and guys lets try to not get this thread locked too ;)
MY 1000th POST GUYS..... And of course, I saved it for the Shenanigans thread :)!
YAY Congrads lol. I should be there soon. As long as we don't post pictures and no vulgar language we'll be fine  ;)
noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo   ;)  :-*

Anyone see Book of Eli!? THAT MOVIE IS AMAZING!
Nope, I'll wait for it to be released on DVD
I thought it was a great movie. I don't think there is any aspect of the movie that requires the big screen though. If I bought movies, I'd buy that one.
bump  ;D
Monthly checkup
Same I guess.........
i cant believe that the thread is still alive. this is awesome...
lol it is pretty cool, I guess its because we are actually behaving ourselfs for once :P
speak for yourself

I think I sense some sarcasm from Kevo up there... lol

nope, no sarcasm at all, i was one of the founding fathers of this page, i think its friggen awesome. and pretty hilarious.
That pic in the middle kinda screws it up a bit but it's still kinda neat haha.
there, no more picture to distract our simple minds. haha
LOL thanks it was kinna annoying
BUMP!!!! ;D
I wonder how much more of this the forum server can handle before it finally gives us the finger?

Bump!! to the top..
I was JUST wondering when this was going to get a Bump lol ;D

THE LAST BUMP WAS JUNE 23RD COME ON PEOPLE!!!!....Especially Jeremy and Kevin DO SOME WORK!!! lol

Should have a Daily Bump :P TDI swap ftw ;)
I just wanted my name back in the mix. I know I posted recently, but didn't see it :D :D :D:D

Bump to have Rabbit on Roids Back we miss him :'(

Indeed..  I told him that that certain someone feeds off of being argued with..  Already went that route myself..  Probably why that someone has been kicked off a dozen other forums..  Tis a shame all around as there was alot of knowledge that could have been shared in better ways...     

Tis a shame too that I haven't driven a VW since the end of may..  :(
Yeah I miss him too. ROR NOT the other guy. Maybe he could come back someday. I don't understand the complete story from all ends so I shouldn't have an opinion, and I am not a mod...don't want to be... would have banned the other guy long before ROR and maybe he would still be here. I got into it with him on one thread and I am not a hot headed guy for the most part, but I said my peace and ignored everything he had to say afterward. That is probably what everyone should do LOL

Bingo..   I don't get too worked up over anything these days, but that person just seemed to have the knack of pushing buttons.. Plain ignoring him (or anyone of the like) is the best route..   That said, the sad thing is he'll be back.

(Heads Up Moderators!) It seems we frequent a lot of the same forums and his MO is to wait a bit and sign up with a new name and email and continue the same shenanigans (usually worse) till booted again..

The funny thing is on the 16th he had signed back up with the same user name some how....didn;t last long thou.

Bump..  8)
Beer time Bump :P

Afternoon bump.

Welcome home everyone!

The forum is back online!  ;D

Beer and BBQ Peanuts Bump ;D

Morning time, not even completely awake bump..

Going to get the TDI in 2 days Bump ;D

OH and Beer bump also
I haven't been quoted since august bump :D

Happy Turkey Day EH!
How did I never see this thread until now? This is epic...

haha, yea, this is by far one of the best topics on the whole forum! great information here!

Yea RadoTD this is what happens when we are left to watch over ourselfs ;D I forgot even how this thread started. All I remember is tyler Moved if off another thread for us lol

you and i got going with the huge quotes inside of quotes, and then it turned into this, isnt it awesome?!
Wow, and just think... some mod took precious time out of their day that could've possibly been spent with their wife and kids to split a thread to keep this sandbox of yours alive.
You guys should feel honored! You are clearly loved! :-*

pretty sure it was Tyler that gave us our own thread..

and the WHY TDI thread is locked i think.. i couldnt bump it..

2 pages of bumps, and everyone forgot how to bump this thread.

just thought i would remind everyone about the "epic quoting"
41.007 MPG tonight bump :D

Ps.. I wonder what happens when the quote tree gets wider than the resolution of your screen? Would the page side scroll?
Only one way to find out! ;)

God this is awesome.. i swear we are the only forum with a thread this awesome..

That is simply amazing lol wanting it to be summer break so i can finish my car!... BUMP
No posting without growing the quote tree!  >:(
Must achieve enlightenment in the form of a side scrolling quote tree!
I Support side SCROLLING

look how tiny the center quote is getting..
February 1st BUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Our groundhog saw its shadow. 6 weeks :)

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WANT WINTER TO BE OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!
stole catlin's pic bump :D

PICTURE THEIF!!!!!!!!!!!


Eh, he's just older and wiser now.... Or Something..

BUMP for another 3K miles on the crack engine!  Time for the weekly sucking of the oil from the coolant bottle...

Bretski.. hows the Oldy coming along? ever find a pump for it?

and that crack-addicted 11mm engine has been going strong now for a while.. kinda amazes me  ;)

I have a pump finally..  actually I have a whole flippin truck..  I did some work on an old Case tractor for the guy in trade for the pump (simple job too)..  2 days ago he drove the truck over here and dumped it off, told me to have at it and junk the rest..  THe engine had a blown HG/cracked head and the truck is rust, but the pump works, and it has some sweet alloy wheels that just may fall on my dad's f-250.. Now to get the darned olds dug out of the ice/snow and back in the garage...

Crack motor is actually starting to scare me.. The last several days it has been running REALLY well..  I actually managed a couple respectable burn outs..  I parked it though the hottest parts of the summer because I just wasn't trusting the oil soaked hoses (and I'm getting old and enjoy frosty cold A/C, keeps my beer cold in the cup holder  ;))..  I swapped some of the rubber goo out for used hoses I had around and just keep suctioning the oil outta the reservoir once or twice a week.. I'm not feeling brave enough to take it on a several hundred mile trip, but it still does it's almost 100 miles a day 5 days a week... Some day before the car rusts apart I will get the new engine it it...  Maybe...

I still wonder how the hell that motor works!..

And BUMP for fresh blood entering here  ;D

X2 on the fresh blood bump!!

I've been doing horrible things to that engine, it just won't die..  I flog the crap outta it cold or hot.. Oil hasn't been changed in at least 20K miles..  I just keep adding to it...  Got tired of actually buying oil for it..  I was given about 10 cases (12 qt per case) of some 15+ year old 30 weight air compressor oil, guess what's been going in it  ;D.. I been topping the coolant off with old stuff I've drained from customer cars..  SOme extended life, some green, some ???  I've blown several hoses and warmed it up to 250 - 260 deg F many times..  I did have to give up on burning WVO and WMO in it.. The heat exchanger is all gunked up from the oil in the coolant..

Oh wow, that motor just can't die! The compressor oil is a nice touch!

It's all in the compressor oil..  I got some dandy straight line black marks on the pavement out of it the other day..

Jeremy I Fixed your Name in a few places

Told you to keep the Rug Burnt Forehead stories between us  :-* lol

I just reliezed that on January 21, 2010 Tyler called me a moron  :'(
*hug (no homo :O)
HugYouBoth, HoMo ;)
Pssh.. you know you want in on it!
Get a room!!
Where is Tyler!

Bump for getting a Written Warning for going 170 in a 100...and almost getting creamed by a transport a day later going the speed limit
I didn't even need to look to know it was Catlin. Whom else would it have been?
Only the crazy NEWF! lmao
Oh man, you are so lucky. If that were in BC, you would've gotten anally probed with a tazer by the police. Then the cleanup bill would be sent to your family

Bump for going from a sunny and beautiful 62 deg day to 27 deg and 5 inches of snow within 24 hours..  >:(

Bump again..  The 5" of snow is pretty much gone already, sunny & 45 deg  8)

Changing my alternator and thermostat bump..

the center quote is getting small!!!
92 Jetta GLI - Black, 1.6D w/ GT2056V turbo..
86 GTI - 4 Door, Med Twilight Gray, Tow Machine..
86 Audi Coupe GT - Tornado Red, All Stock.. WRECKED.
89 Toyota 4Runner - Dark Grey Metallic, LIFTED!

Turbo: exhaust gasses go into the turbocharger and spin it, witchcraft happens and you go faster.

Reply #238March 07, 2011, 02:19:46 pm


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Re: Shenanigans
« Reply #238 on: March 07, 2011, 02:19:46 pm »
I was gonna bump for "How small will the center quote go" but apparently there is a 20,000 character limit..  :'(

Reply #239March 07, 2011, 02:21:15 pm


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Re: Shenanigans
« Reply #239 on: March 07, 2011, 02:21:15 pm »
I was gonna bump for "How small will the center quote go" but apparently there is a 20,000 character limit..  :'(

What the heck, start over??

Bump for Facebook not being a complete and total waste of time, got a lead on a Cabby!