Author Topic: 1.9TD vs police impala  (Read 4661 times)

May 14, 2005, 10:31:57 pm


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1.9TD vs police impala
« on: May 14, 2005, 10:31:57 pm »
I tend to cruise fast but accelerate moderately. It really drives me insane when some hot shot passes me as I pull away from a corner, I'll usually just pass him again a mile or two up the road as he dawdles along at the speed limit... :x  

 Anyway, a few months back I was sitting at a stop sign a half mile or so from my shop when a plain grey "fleet car" impala speeds up behind me with some middle-aged stressed-out-salesman lookin' type at the wheel. As I pull away from the stop sign, the impala is glued to my bumper, itchin' to pass. 50 feet from the intersection he begins to pull out around me, something in my brain snaps, pedal goes all the way to the floor. The impala can't make up any ground. I keep grabbing gears and we carry on like this for a 1/4 mile or so, him just at my rear quarter. By now we're doing well over the posted limit. I'm coming up on the shop laneway fast so I have to get out of it. As the impala finally gets by, I look over to see the moron, it's then that I notice the crest on his shirt sleeve, the radio gear on the dash and, as he passes, the red lights in the rear window... :shock:  I don't know why he didn't write me up for something, perhaps he was in awe of the diesel power?

Reply #1May 15, 2005, 09:41:13 am


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1.9TD vs police impala
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2005, 09:41:13 am »
Wow!  That's living on the edge, Bruce!  :P

Reply #2May 15, 2005, 02:43:40 pm


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1.9TD vs police impala
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2005, 02:43:40 pm »
:shock:  Wow - bet seeing who it was gave your adrenaline a surge... glad to hear he didn't pull you over!  :wink:
Jake Russell
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Reply #3May 15, 2005, 09:34:00 pm

Dr. Diesel

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Re: 1.9TD vs police impala
« Reply #3 on: May 15, 2005, 09:34:00 pm »
Quote from: "QuickTD"

 something in my brain snaps, pedal goes all the way to the floor.

 :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  HAHAHHAAAA!! I love it.
I repair, maintain and modify VW's and BMW's.
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Reply #4May 15, 2005, 09:40:28 pm


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1.9TD vs police impala
« Reply #4 on: May 15, 2005, 09:40:28 pm »

I can just imagine how you felt.  OH SH*T!

Reminds me of a story.

Once upon a time I owned a chipped Golf TDI.  I was late to meet some friends for brunch in Canmore and was working the go pedal a bit.
There is a very big hill that opens up to three lanes (a slow lane for truckers and VW buses) which is where I usually enjoyed flaunting my torque to the ricers.  Well..  I'm flying along somewhere around 170ish  :oops:  as I'm getting to the top of the hill I notice about a km back a large boring sedan coming up rather quick.  hmmmmm.   I tuck into traffic and wait.  adrenaline surges...   RCMP ghost car cruises by, doesn't even glance at me.   whew!!   My licence lives to fight another day!!
'97 Jetta GL TD
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Reply #5May 16, 2005, 08:55:16 am


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1.9TD vs police impala
« Reply #5 on: May 16, 2005, 08:55:16 am »
LMAO :lol:

...and you guys are always telling me how fast everyone including the cops go past your shop...mebbe they're all trying to pass diesels :P

He wouldn't charge ya...that would mean admitting to his colleagues a Jetta diesel had him by the 'nubes :twisted:

Reply #6June 15, 2005, 10:58:35 pm

Chief Lee Visceral

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1.9TD vs police impala
« Reply #6 on: June 15, 2005, 10:58:35 pm »
Hello everyone from the newb!

Well since this is Canadian board I guess it is safe to post MY best cop encounters in Seattle area  :wink:

I actually live in a suburb 26 miles out of Seattle. In my little town is the Sheriff and seemingly the law enforcement hub major for the county. Of the 26 miles; 10 miles of which is a non-divided but few access points local hi-way and then a 2 lane the last 4 miles. Speed limit is 50 mph (what 82 kph ish?) but you are not going to get pulled over unless you exceed a true 60 mph.

The problem is going into Seattle the road it is two breaking out into four lanes until where everyone disperses on the perimeter of the city. In this direction everyone is pretty cool with lane descipline etc. The way home though is a whole different story.

The route home has four lanes narrowing to 2 lanes with the right lane merging into the left at the end of it's 10 miles into my area. So this is major frustation for me because during evening rush hours that left lane is packed with nobody at all in the right lane because they are either too bad, lazy or chicken a driver to merge at the end. Drives me nuts because it would not be bumper to bumper and choking the few lights if people could only drive. I mean it is ten miles like this every evening!

So aggravating to me it is that I often like to demonstrate what the right and left lanes are for if you know what I mean. Nothing reckless ya know but the diesel torque helps alot when doing this.

Anyway back to topic... I get into a similar situation as you and your Impala except mine is a detective in a V8 Monte Carlo. We role away from the front row of a stop and unlike you I torque off the light because I want to get from the left into the right lane and set my cruise control at 65 mph. In doing so the Monte Carlo that was beside me on the right on the front row of the light seems to take it as a snub. He rolls on to catch up. Ok fine I am in cruise control in the right by the time he catches me. The guy gets directly on my beam and stays there for mile after mile. I shut off CC and get into left lane behind Monte Carlo. Now Monte Carlo speeds up to 75 mph but stays in the left lane with me matching speed but 4 or 5 car lengths back. Jerk me thinks not knowing this is a stealth cop. Fine 75 mph is still in the meat of the torque so I roll past him in the right thinking I will do my usual "this is the left lane. You should should learn about the right  lane demonstration" but the Monte Carlo locks onto my rear quarter and I know a V8 can walk at this speed but wth and I kid you not we go together to 90 mph. Then he gets behind and now the party lights hidden in the grille come on. Doh!

Long story a bit shorter, "What's the hurry?" he says in street clothes but a badge on a necklace.

I hold up my support pager and stammer my best "ah shucks". Doesn't make much sense after what we were doing but I am desperate of course. My car is still running and he can see my GPS and Valentine on the dash.

"License and registration please." He looks at them but doesn't run them. He sizes me up and tries to see if I get nervouse in the silence. Then he goes, "That's a diesel huh?"  :shock:

"Yes sir!" I say trying to sound like a meek and frugal commuter.  :lol:

"Well I need you to slow down before you are a greasy spot on the road you hear." and hands my license back.

"Yes sir!" I say and I can't tell you how I much I really meant it this time.

But I have had four warnings from undercovers with the TDI :lol:  That was the best by far and yes, yes the last one. I am thinking he got to me or at least parts of me!

Anyway had to tell it to someone and hey all!