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Troubleshooting / Re: How does it always happen?
« Last post by ORCoaster on May 17, 2024, 08:59:27 pm »
Parts get old and worn.  That was the case with my latch.  I did manage to repair it enough to get it to work but I really wanted one in better shape.  Glad I found one.
Troubleshooting / Re: How does it always happen?
« Last post by fatmobile on May 17, 2024, 01:57:14 am »
 I haven't had that one happen in a while.
IDI Engine / Re: 1.9 diesel parts book
« Last post by ORCoaster on May 16, 2024, 09:33:32 pm »
I seem to remember someone on this forum that has access to some form of exploded view drawings and part #s for the individual pieces but dang if I can remember who that person is
IDI Engine / 1.9 diesel parts book
« Last post by cdsx on May 15, 2024, 12:49:01 pm »
Since I had such good results with my first question, I'll press on with a tougher one: Is there such a thing as a parts book for the 1.9 diesel? You can download pdf's of the factory parts books for all manner of Volvos and Land Rovers, but I've never even heard of a factory book for the VW diesel. Does Volkswagen even have such a thing?
IDI Engine / Re: flywheel bolt pattern
« Last post by cdsx on May 15, 2024, 09:54:31 am »
That was quick! Thanks to the one who so promptly replied with that. Much obliged!
IDI Engine / flywheel bolt pattern
« Last post by cdsx on May 15, 2024, 09:34:31 am »
Seems like a simple thing to me, but I've wasted over 2 hours Googling it to no avail, so I figured I'd just ask: Can anyone supply a dimensioned diagram showing the flywheel bolt pattern for a 1.9 diesel? All I need it to show is the bolt circle, and the offset of the odd one out. The only one I was able to find is defaced with an idiotic Photo-f#%$-it watermark. (I'm not computer-literate enough to be able to figure out CAD programs and just draw it myself, in case someone was about to suggest that, but thanks anyway.)

General / Re: The Facebook group is not helpful
« Last post by w88mp on May 14, 2024, 10:42:56 pm »
Troubleshooting / Re: How does it always happen?
« Last post by ORCoaster on May 14, 2024, 07:30:35 pm »
I found a cable, the puller and the complete upper and lower latch assembly for about 95 shipped. So I am good to go once it arrives.  Maybe by the middle of the week.
IDI Engine / Re: Sharing my 1.6td project
« Last post by fatmobile on May 13, 2024, 11:37:26 pm »
 That looks like plenty of ground cables.
IDI Engine / Re: Sharing my 1.6td project
« Last post by as4k on May 13, 2024, 09:26:40 pm »
Back from PA in my other Audi.  Around 20 hours of driving and the car did quite well.  I was still bummed I couldnt get the 4ktd ready for the trip as there were other 4k's there of that vintage. 

Ok, battery stuff.  I actually took the battery back to Autozone today and they confirmed the core is shot.  Ironically they didnt have a DLG battery there, couldnt get one, and sent me to a store that supposedly had one, but they only had DL versions, whatever.  So at least I'll be fresh with a new battery once I sort out the cables and grounds.

Now, I've had zero issues with the gauges or lights in this car.  Coolant and fuel gauge read correct, volt and oil temp seem to be as well.  But I will upgrade the negative and possibly positive cable and battery connection.  I did this with my other Audi a few years ago.  I wouldnt mind some opinions on exactly what you guys would use.

In terms of ground locations, I'm attaching a few photos.  Keep in mind this car was pretty much all apart, but the main negative cable was still there.  Its attached both at the battery tray and bellhousing.  There is another cable straight from the battery to the bellhousing.  I can either add another to a better grounding point (opinions on where would be nice), or replace and move the "blue" cable elsewhere. 

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