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EGT wiring connection problem - diagnosed!


This is a little tip those of you with pyrometers might benefit by...

those with pryometers that connect to the wiring harness with lug-terminals (including VDO thermocouples and wiring) that are connected with little bolts and nuts, might be interested that I have had problems with the EGT gauge reading zero off and on for a while, and I think I have finally figured out why.  I think by adding little star washers between the lug terminals, it caused the connection to withstand the elements, whereas the problem before without the star washers (or any lock washer at all) was that the connection was unreliable due to surface corrosion of the connectors, even though the bolts and nuts were good and tight it didn't mean the electrical connection was good.

I also lightly sanded the contact surfaces of the lug terminals and applied a little grease to reduce corrosion there in the future.  And wrapping the connections in electrical tape afterwards can't hurt either.  But I think the little star washers may have been the key discovery... so now after that, the pyrometer gauge is working again!  (And I hope, and think it might stay working for good too! :D )


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