Engine Specific Info and Questions > mTDI Mechanical TDI Conversions

mTDI Passat b2 swap, your help is much appreciated

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Guys I bought an Audi A4 B5 1.9tdi afn for parts. I'm gonna pull the engine and trans and sell the rest. Next up is purchasing the LR pump. I'm gonna post regular updates as i proceed.

What is the US equivalent of the AFN block?

Dennis Froelich:
1Z or AHU is the U.S. version of that engine. Upgraded a bit though. AHU and AFN got better pistons over the 1Z.

Late update on mTDI build.
Finally managed to get some free time to pull the engine and trans from the audi (to be exact i pulled the car apart around the engine hehe), also LR 300 pump arrived today. I think I have everything to start building this thing.
Pictures include the LR pump, the engine and the guinea pig I'm gonna operate on.


 Looks like the pump has a throttle position sensor and the stop solenoid isn't all covered in a plastic shield like one that I got.
 I'd rather see a side view of your passat than a picture of it on it's side, ha.

 That was a called a quantum over here right?


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