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Spring SW Ontario GTG??

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I'd like to see you biodiesel setup sometime. I've always wanted to learn how to make it so I've read all the how-to's online but I'm thinking of how difficult it would be to make in larger quantities.  How much do you normally make.  I would need an average of 40-45 litres/week.
My parents live in Goderich so I'm always heading through Stratford.  I should stop by sometime a see your setup.

VW Scully:
Thanks; I think we will make the next GTG a "BioDiesel related' one and I will post a new thread here to announce it. We are thinking of Sunday June 4 or June 10.

Anyway, I usually make about 32 litres at a time as I generally use about 25% methanol (depending what my oil titrates at) but that usually equates to two 4 litre jugs and therefore works out well with my equipment. I am currently running my car on between 20 and 50% BioDiesel since I still have to change all my rubber fuel lines/gaskets to synthetic in order to run 100% BioD, but I really should do that soon :wink: .

Bear in mind, I'm still new to the BioDiesel processing on a large scale so I'm no expert, :oops:  but I AM doing it and enjoying it and would be willing to help share some of my experience with others interested in alternative fuels. :)

How often do you do make your batches of 32 litres and how long does it take to do each batch?

I'm contemplating making my next vehicle some type of alternative fuel vehicle but i'm having trouble deciding between Bio, veg, or electric.  All have benefits and draw backs.  But then theirs the part of me that wanted a diesel for so long and now that I have one I want another fast gasser like my last car.  So I think I just get bored easily and want something different all the time (the wife puts a cramp in that plan).  So then I'm thinking if I need speed in my life, then maybe I should buy a cheap motorcycle and then have the alternative fuel vehicle for rainy days and winter.  I know myself well enough though that if I buy a motorcycle, I'll get the bug and spend all my time on that.
I guess I know myself too well, I'm analyzing and predicting my future desires before they even get here :lol:  :lol:

Sorry for the hi-jack.  Let me know where I should be posting this stuff.


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