
Author Topic: Tube Chassis 'Caddy'  (Read 3498 times)

December 01, 2013, 05:12:12 pm


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Tube Chassis 'Caddy'
« on: December 01, 2013, 05:12:12 pm »
Because the Mid Engine Caddy is pretty out of date.

Steel tube chassis, fiberglass and kevlar body panels (Quattro-esque arches)
As you guys are pretty much engine based I'll bake this part fairly succinct
I'm looking forward to working on the engine, a 2.5TDi inline-5 to be coupled to an Audi Longitudinal gearbox for mid engine/rear wheel drive power
Engine plan is
Custom M-TDi pump combining the standard and an LR300tdi pump
Would like to do sequential twins, but need to learn a lot more first
Tubular exhaust manifold to suit
Custom intake
Laminova WtA intercooler
Bigger nozzles, say .260, .280?
I'm very much open to advice on the engine, not something i've done before!

mock-up with the old 1Z engine that i need to get rid of now

new engine

Rear end chassis

CAD modelling, ongoing

Mid Engine
Berg Cup

