For Sale/Looking For > Parts for Sale/Wanted



Hey all, I'm looking for a tachometer that will run for my diesel engine in my volvo.  Volvo apparently made diesel tachometers for my engine a long time ago, but they don't carry them anymore, and even when they did, they were $350 Can.  Anyone out there got a tachometer that ranges from 0-5500rpm(at least)  I know it sounds high, but my engine can reach speeds of 5300rom, so I would like a tach that doesn't max out.  Just reply to this topic, or pm me, thanks! :!:

One alternative is to use a tach from a gas VW. It can be triggered from an optical sensor observing white segments on the pump sprocket.

Engineer Roger Brown in California offers an adapter that allows the use of the gas tach. Try looking for Roger Brown via google.


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