Author Topic: 95 Golf Hatch Lock Questions  (Read 5054 times)

February 04, 2017, 10:55:27 am


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95 Golf Hatch Lock Questions
« on: February 04, 2017, 10:55:27 am »
Ok, never owned or worked on 95 Golf before, so I have some questions regarding the rear hatch and hatch locking mechanism components please.
It does seem like an overly engineered and complicated locking / unlocking arrangement ::).........

First, how does the hatch lock and unlock? All of the moving components in the hatch were corroded and frozen, so I have freed them up with PB Blaster. Now they move. I can unlock the lock with the key, by pushing in the lock and turning the key CW. [ yes, clockwise IIRC ]. I cannot physically lock the lock with the I supposed to be able too?

  The only way I can have the lock mechanism lock when the hatch is closed, is to physically pull that connecting rod from that electrical "box" to the passenger side before  closing the hatch. I can hear the "gear noise" when I do this. I also hear that gear noise when I unlock the lock with the button inside the glove box. Yes, the lock does unlock [ now that I've lubed everything, it didn't used to ] with this button. Sorry, I don't know the correct name of the gear noise making box.

  I see that there is a wire going to the lock cylinder. I also see a little button that sticks out on the bottom of the lock cylinder that makes contact with a small piece in a switch, when the key in the cylinder is rotated. Nothing happens when this lock cylinder switch is contacted. What *should* it do?

  Lastly, there is that vacuum pump and the vacuum box with the plunger in it. The other 4 doors locks seem to "work" with this vacuum system. The locks are slow to go up, but go down fast with it. The rear hatch lock does nothing with the vacuum system. What "should" it be doing to the rear hatch lock, anything?

  The vacuum pump runs for a long time when activated by the key in the drivers door 30 seconds or a little longer before timing out.

If i knew how these components were supposed to work, I could figure out which is not, and change it out with a good used one from the wreckers.
 Thanks for your thoughts.
« Last Edit: February 04, 2017, 10:58:10 am by Spokerider »

Reply #1February 04, 2017, 10:57:49 pm


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Re: 95 Golf Hatch Lock Questions
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2017, 10:57:49 pm »
I am so glad I own an 81 without the fancy crap add ons!   I just did my hatch lock and it is nothing as you described.  The key on mine just flips the tab on the mechanism so that it no longer hits the plate that pops the latch mechanism.  I had to get the locking mechanism totally out of the car to be able to remove the ring clip on the back of the mechanism to be able to tear into lock itself to figure out the internal o rings that keep the water out of the tumbler were shredded.  That was the cause of the water in my car.  It was leaking down the hatch into the button area and coming in the lock.

You are thinking, so really?  How much water can that be?  Trust me if you live on the Oregon Coast it can be plenty.  Enough to make the car wet inside and start smelling like mold or mildew.  Not a good mix with the diesel added. 

So best of luck with this one.  I have no Golf experience, never took up the game or drove one of the cars. 

Reply #2February 05, 2017, 10:38:50 am


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Re: 95 Golf Hatch Lock Questions
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2017, 10:38:50 am »
Yes, newer does not necessarily imply better!
I am old school. I like hand crank windows, manual door locks and few engine electronics. This over engineered stuff makes me mental.

I really bought the car just for the diesel engine [ for a samurai swap ], but since the car drove so well, I want to drive it for a while before pulling the engine.

Just gotta get the hatch lock figured out. The rear hatch has some rust on it. Water is getting in,  in between the glass and the sheet metal. I got a better hatch from a 98 I'll be installing, but someone already found and removed the lock cylinder from it tho.

Yep rain and rain and more rain. I'm on Vancouver Island and know all about rain!