Author Topic: One for the air cooled experts.  (Read 2836 times)

April 24, 2020, 10:02:04 pm


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    Burns, Oregon,USA
One for the air cooled experts.
« on: April 24, 2020, 10:02:04 pm »
I have a friend with a 67 Bug, and because I also have an old VW apparently word has gotten around to her that I'm a Volkswagen expert. Unfortunately I had to tell her that my 79 Rabbit diesel and her 67 Bug are very different, and that I'm not near as sharp on the air cooled stuff. I did tell her however that I would throw a post up here and see if I could get any ideas. So here's how she described the problem to me: Her Bug will just randomly quit on her, and sometimes not start. She says the constant in all this is the clear plastic fuel filter has no fuel in it when this happens. My first thought was vapor lock because my old 70 Bug that I had in high school used to do that in hot weather, but she said it happens in all weather. She said she's replaced the fuel pump, had the tank taken out and checked over, and replaced all the fuel lines. I don't think there's much else to the fuel system on a Bug, so it sounds to me like she's checked everything there is to check. The only suggestion I had was to maybe add an electric fuel pump. If we have any air cooled experts on here, let's hear your suggestions.

Current: 1979 Rabbit 4dr
            1984 F-250
            1999 Ford Ranger
Other v-dubs I've owned:
84 Rabbit
78 Rabbit (gasoline) flipped it end over end after driving all night and falling asleep at the wheel. RIP, it was a good little car.
70 Bug