
Author Topic: Bullying Left Lane Lazy Drivers  (Read 19034 times)

Reply #15October 21, 2013, 08:45:28 am


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« Reply #15 on: October 21, 2013, 08:45:28 am »
I don't get bent out of shape over someone else who can't drive. I don't worry about passing someone until they are going around 5mph under the posted limit. I think the difference in the accuracy of the speedometer in the 2 cars could be almost that.

Reply #16October 21, 2013, 10:28:49 am


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Re: Bullying Left Lane Lazy Drivers
« Reply #16 on: October 21, 2013, 10:28:49 am »
i usually don't get mad or anything, i just wait for a safe opportune chance to pass them.

the last time i can remember being enraged and fuming, was about 2-3weeks ago.  I have a very very frustrating to and from work, it's only 12 miles, but the entire 12miles is yorks only east-west highway, which is completely filled with traffic lights, and really handicaps the county, it's ridiculous. anyways a drive which should take 10-15 minutes can take any where from 20-45 minutes.  the last 3-4miles of my commute has no traffic lights, but trucks do not stay in the left lane, so at the last light on the commute, they get next to each other and pull out sooooo slowly, that half as many cars get through in any given light cycle.  the one morning, i was about 4-5 cars back and there was 2 trucks lined up at the light, of course they pulled out slow, and then went 45-50 right next to each other holding up all the traffic for the next 2 miles, then finally i held on my horn until the jerk off trucker in the left lane got over, i kept seeing him looking in his mirror trying to figure out who was honking, so i flicked him off to let him know it was me. what a jack wagon
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Reply #17October 22, 2013, 10:15:27 am


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Re: Bullying Left Lane Lazy Drivers
« Reply #17 on: October 22, 2013, 10:15:27 am »
This thread started because I have observed a unique form of Left Lane Idiot in the DC to NY area, particularly MD.  MD simply should not have traffic jams on I-95 with so many lanes.  It takes stupid or tragedy to stall traffic in MD with the quantity lanes there.  But stupid is routine.

I cringe at the thought of going thru Washington DC, and worse coming south on I-95 (495).  To make the trip, I start early, wait for 11am-1pm and after and at night.  No time is good.

Coming south on I-95 in DC, is the 25 miles of hell where there is an HOV lane.  The HOV lane merges at the bottom of a hill and traffic engineers won't fix the problem for the last 7 -10 years.  The solution is put barriers in the left lane of the freeway from the HOV lane back 1/4-1/2 mile and up the hill past the HOV towards Fredricksburg.  HOV moves at speed limit and no one hit the brakes in the other lanes. Their solution is to extend the HOV south in the next decade.

When you are in traffic (especially stalling traffic) as much as I am, you notice patterns and behavior stereotypes. 
Like the saftey spacer - one who sets the pace, one of his/her choosing and keeps more than 2 car lengths per 10 MPH distance.  You'll observe people from the right filling in ahead of the safety spacer. 
The hole filler-must be faster in the lane with the hole-left or right or right to left.  Changes often.
Too cool to use signals - car is not equipped with operator that can use signals- beware this fool. 
Left-lane-Lazy- see earlier post. 
White knuckles - driver without confidence and ease and you must beware of their unpredictability. 
Country road slow - only seen in daylight in country areas.  Driving skills of a snail and a blind monkey.
Distracted Disaster- cell phone - makeup, burger, coffee more important than the task of driving
Didn't notice - car is either so luxurious, music so soothing, thought so deep that they don't see you-won't or don't yeild - often will move over to the right lane after you passed them on the right - whoops - it will happen again with the Didn't notice driver.
Speed demon - moves 10 MPH or more well above the speed limit and prone to braking and erratic lane changes. 
Bad load guy - stuff flying out of the pickup (especially trash) not tied down, loose chains or straps, rocks ready to fall off tailgate.  You might want to get out of behind the bad load guy.  Interchanges with the just dumped dump truck.
The good driver - uses signals, stays in lane and signals when changing lanes.  Rare but nice to see one.

Once a month - I have to make the trip from VA to MD and back.  I cringe.

Thanks for allowing me to rant.

Reply #18October 22, 2013, 02:23:46 pm


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Re: Bullying Left Lane Lazy Drivers
« Reply #18 on: October 22, 2013, 02:23:46 pm »
haha i have been in the md/dc area enough to confirm your rant, i don't know what the deal is down there, i think the more competitively people drive with one another the slower traffic moves.  who are they competing with 99.99% of people have a different destination than you.

along with the bad load guy, is the already has a wrecked car guy, i stay away from cars that are already wrecked or look to be poorly maintained.
01 Jetta TDI 100% stock daily
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Reply #19October 22, 2013, 08:03:30 pm


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Re: Bullying Left Lane Lazy Drivers
« Reply #19 on: October 22, 2013, 08:03:30 pm »
North side of Detroit is I-696... some locals call it the autobahn.  When Detroit hosted the Super-Bowl, a local paper published a ten-point list of items for visitors to be aware of. Somewhere in the middle of the list was: "I-696: That's the way we drive, deal with it".

I spent over a decade on the I-95 corridor and countless times between Detroit, DC and Florida... NYC, Boston, DC, Jersey,... Europe too... nothing compares to the obliviousness and FU attitude of Miami drivers.

Reply #20October 24, 2013, 07:24:05 am


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Re: Bullying Left Lane Lazy Drivers
« Reply #20 on: October 24, 2013, 07:24:05 am »
they drive fast as hell in florida, the roads are so flat and straight i don't really blame them.

but you know what else really grinds my gears?

this is a common on in york, drivers that are going to merge on the highway, then stop at the end of the on ramp.  its 10 times hard to get on the highway when you are going 0 and everyone else is going 70mph.

and another thing that grinds my gears:

this is on that very busy highway filled with traffic lights that i had mentioned, cars but mostly tractor trailers, that start making left turns when their light is yellow about to turn red or already red, then they waste half the traffic cycle for oncoming traffic.  i think we're all guilty of driving through a yellow/red light, but holding up traffic while making a slow left turn with your truck is another thing entirely.
01 Jetta TDI 100% stock daily
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Reply #21October 24, 2013, 05:04:43 pm


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Re: Bullying Left Lane Lazy Drivers
« Reply #21 on: October 24, 2013, 05:04:43 pm »
OK, for you two, I agree with your patterns and terms:

Freeway patterns and behavior stereotypes.
Like the saftey spacer - one who sets the pace, one of his/her choosing and keeps more than 2 car lengths per 10 MPH distance. You'll observe people from the right filling in ahead of the safety spacer.
The hole filler-must be faster in the lane with the hole-left or right or right to left. Changes often.
Too cool to use signals - car is not equipped with operator that can use signals- beware this fool.
Left-lane-Lazy- see earlier post.
You Ain't passing me - @^%&* *ss*ole who speeds up every time there are dotted lines then slows down on double and solid on your side.  Free way 'you are not passing me' (no southern contractions cause these guys are from NE) will speed up pass the speed limit to keep you from passing, then set it back on cruise to block you in.  Will speed up if you move to right to avoid these demented drivers.  Pure unadulturated *ss*oles just teasing for road rage.
White knuckles - driver without confidence and ease and you must beware of their unpredictability. Includes drivers that are going to merge on the highway, then stop at the end of the on ramp, when it’s 10 times harder to get on the highway when you are going 0 and everyone else is going 70mph
Country road slow - only seen in daylight in country areas. Driving skills of a snail and a blind monkey.
Distracted Disaster- cell phone - makeup, burger, coffee more important than the task of driving
Didn't notice - car is either so luxurious, music so soothing, thought so deep that they don't see you-won't or don't yeild - often will move over to the right lane after you passed them on the right - whoops - it will happen again with the Didn't notice driver.
Speed demon - moves 10 MPH or more well above the speed limit and prone to braking and erratic lane changes.
Bad load guy - stuff flying out of the pickup (especially trash) not tied down, loose chains or straps, rocks ready to fall off tailgate. You might want to get out of behind the bad load guy.
Already-has-a-wrecked-car-guy.  Stay away from cars that are already wrecked or look to be poorly maintained.
Late starting left turns when their light is yellow about to turn red or already red, then they waste half the new traffic cycle for oncoming traffic this is on that very busy highway filled with traffic lights.  Some cars but mostly tractor trailers.  While I agree we're all guilty of driving through a yellow/red light once or twice, but holding up traffic while making a slow left turn with your truck is another thing entirely.
Interchanges with the just dumped dump truck.
The good driver - uses signals, stays in lane and signals when changing lanes. Rare but nice to see.

Again, thanks for the rant.

Reply #22October 24, 2013, 05:40:20 pm


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Re: Bullying Left Lane Lazy Drivers
« Reply #22 on: October 24, 2013, 05:40:20 pm »
The "f you you aren't going to pass me" on the dashed yellow - oh man, I had one of those on a recent trip.  She had her frigging minivan FLOORED with me in the oncoming traffic lane to try and prevent me from passing.  WTF??  We were in the wife's 1.8T Jetta Wagon vs. a Dodge Caravan, you think you're going to win that battle?  Saw my fastest ever speedo reading in the wagon since we got it on that one (there was another vehicle behind her, wasn't confident I could drop back in between the two of them plus no idea if she was suddenly going to slow down again or something if I backed off)

I was so pissed off I was shaking afterwards.  Who DOES that??  Then she was nowhere near me afterwards, the whole REASON I was passing her is she was going along just under the limit and then dropping speed heavily whenever there was a corner or a hill, no consistency in her driving.

One more type that isn't listed here... the "dirt bike daredevils" - seen along rural roads, they like to pop wheelies and practice stupid stuff like standing on the seat, etc... Can come screaming past you on the shoulder then slow down waiting for their buddies to catch up...

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Reply #23October 24, 2013, 07:12:02 pm

745 turbogreasel

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Re: Bullying Left Lane Lazy Drivers
« Reply #23 on: October 24, 2013, 07:12:02 pm »
Ever see the yellow stickers at the corner of a big steel flatbed
'passing side'..........................................................'suicide'

Reply #24October 24, 2013, 11:46:33 pm


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Re: Bullying Left Lane Lazy Drivers
« Reply #24 on: October 24, 2013, 11:46:33 pm »
745  Have not seen that yet.  But I get it.  So should anyone else but I bet some scratch their heads as they sneak down the right hand side getting in all the mirror blind spots as they do.

How about those drivers that are in the far side of a passing lane coming against you.  So they have two lanes and you have one.  There are dash yellow lines between your one land and their passing lane.  Signs in your lane say yield to oncoming traffic, in otherwords don't try to pass if both lanes are full coming at ya.  Otherwise OK and legal to pass the car in front of you. 

So you signal, accel and start moving around the slower driver in front of you and from the far left lane coming at you is the only car on that side of the lane.  What is he doing?  Why move over when I just signalled to pass.  It is like they want to play chicken with you or something.  Choice is to continue to pass or back down and resume behind the slower driver.  Have had it happen on many of our limited passing areas.  Maybe they don't understand that the Passing Zone can be used for both directions of travel but the lane is on their side of the road. 

Other zones may not have this option as there is not enough length to the zone thus a double yellow line is painted between their lane and yours.  Doesn't anyone know the laws?  We have uninsured motorist coverage on our insurance policies, I wonder if we should have a cover for those that have no license? 

Reply #25October 25, 2013, 08:05:56 am


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Re: Bullying Left Lane Lazy Drivers
« Reply #25 on: October 25, 2013, 08:05:56 am »
basically what the whole thread boils down to is people not understanding how to follow proper traffic patterns, traffic etiquette, general decency, and politeness as a motoring citizen.  they teach this *** in school nowadays, there's really no excuse.
01 Jetta TDI 100% stock daily
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Reply #26October 25, 2013, 09:30:46 am


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Re: Bullying Left Lane Lazy Drivers
« Reply #26 on: October 25, 2013, 09:30:46 am »
    Actually, there is an excuse.  Most of the patterns described in this post won't get you a ticket.  If you can put it on cruise in the left lane and make people pass you on the right, then you have no fear of doing it.  If you can go to the end of the freeway entrance ramp and sit there without getting a ticket, you are not fearfull of doing it.  If you can drive a winter "hooptie" like you can in michigan, then you drive it safe or not.  If there is not penalty for failing to yeild, then then you do not yeild. 
    Just the other day, a VA state patrolman was following a car in the left lane, and the car did not yeild for several miles, while there was opportunity to yeild.  Finally, the patrolman signaled to the center lane and passes.  The driver never came off cruise and did not get a ticket that day. 
    While you are supposed to signal to move left or right on the freeway, who really ever gets a ticket for not signalling.  So the law for signalling is considered a courtesy therefore optional.  The law says you must yeild right and allow others to pass, but if not enforced, the typical driver takes it as a courtesy. 
    For those who brag they are perfect drivers, such as the friend in my office who failed to yeild in his story and actually bragged about brake-checking the person following him, because he smuggly thought he was doing right, you'll and likely he again, until he had the converstion with me, and I told him he was wrong on not yeilding and for needlessly brake-checking the person.
    I am a good driver, but by far not perfect.  I habitually signal whether anyone is there or not, and don't wait until the last minute to brake (rant).  But I put a lot of miles each year, and I have time schedules to keep, so I often speed in the lower digits.  I know, going to hell.  Wait, I get ticket for that, if I exceed the 9 mph tolorance.
    I have no illusions that drivers will get better.  Because cars are getting smarter, and soon it will be the cars fault.

Reply #27October 25, 2013, 11:09:47 pm


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Re: Bullying Left Lane Lazy Drivers
« Reply #27 on: October 25, 2013, 11:09:47 pm »
Maybe this upcoming Drive By Wire thing won't be so bad.  Anytime some drive is not going with the flow, has individuals passing on the right, fails to signal or what ever the car will automatically zap them in the shorts with something like a tazer poke.  Then the dash will flash a message about the stupid thing they are doing, or the voice from a speaker will politely tell them.  "Please signal right and allow others to pass in a legal manner." 

Siri won't have anything on that system. 

Reply #28October 26, 2013, 02:47:48 am

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Re: Bullying Left Lane Lazy Drivers
« Reply #28 on: October 26, 2013, 02:47:48 am »
Nissan Q50 is  the first production car with drive by wire steering.  it has a 'fail safe' mode, but I'm not sure I approve.
If you can set the controls to work  like Turbo Outrun i might be swayed.

Reply #29October 27, 2013, 10:25:00 am


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Re: Bullying Left Lane Lazy Drivers
« Reply #29 on: October 27, 2013, 10:25:00 am »
Americans should not eagerly embrace driverless cars IMHO, because the first to be driverless where it hurts will be trucks.  Business' will least likely ship by train, and driverless is an introductory to that. Already, while other countries I have visited use trains, subway, street cars, americans won't ride them.  Driverless cars will be the introduction of the workaround to get people on trains, subways and streetcars.

I thinks someone has already thought about this.  How to get people to move fromt the country and suburbs to the cities and streamline transporation...  just no one interested.  new route...

