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General Information => General => Topic started by: subsonic on March 11, 2007, 09:29:07 am

Title: Need reccomendation on good book on turbo's
Post by: subsonic on March 11, 2007, 09:29:07 am
Hey all,
I see a million questions come up on turbo's here.  I kind of graze throught them to pull out info so I can learn a bit.  I would appreciate it if any of you could reccomend some solid books on turbo set up, selection, how to read turbo maps etc..  Is the Corkey Bell book any good.  
I like to understand what I am building.  Not like an engineeer but I want to know what the hell I'm talking about so I don't have those long uncomfortable  "Uhhhhhhh.......yea, I think?"
Title: Need reccomendation on good book on turbo's
Post by: subsonic on March 11, 2007, 01:14:53 pm
You know, this is a pretty big and widley discussed topic here.  Besides the IP, the next most important componant is the turbo.   How about you all join in and list all the turbo books that you have found useful.  I would like it if other members could give their input on the books that are suggested here.  Good, bad, good for only this aspect of info, rest junk, etc.  I would like to build a "Summer Reading List" from your input.  To expand on this, since we live in a electronic age,  any solid links, web pages, turbo 101's etc would be helpful as well.  I think this would be helpful to a majority of users like myself, who are interested in more power, are in the process of, or planning out build-ups, but don't have the experience or technical knowledge to feel comfortable with it.

Perhaps over time some of the more experienced and knowledgeable builders could write up some articles for posting here that apply to the specialized set-ups we are attempting to do here. An excellent example of this already on the forum is the "BOV modification how to".  I, myself would love to read about hybrid turbo's and the design and build ( and rebuild ) process.  It appears, from my humble and limited knowledge that this is the next best thing / alternative to spending serious coin for a new turbo.
I would be glad to help in this endeavor any way I can.  Just need someone to help light the way.

Title: Need reccomendation on good book on turbo's
Post by: saurkraut on March 12, 2007, 08:49:23 am
Turbochargers (HP Books) by Hugh McInnes
Title: Need reccomendation on good book on turbo's
Post by: macsdub on March 14, 2007, 11:01:51 pm
ive got a book that i bought from summit racing
it was printed by HPBooks and was like 17 bucks
and  it provides the good basic turbo info that beginners need(i refer to it all the time)
Title: Need reccomendation on good book on turbo's
Post by: saurkraut on March 15, 2007, 08:48:44 am

Title: Need reccomendation on good book on turbo's
Post by: subsonic on March 15, 2007, 11:35:29 pm
Good stuff.  I just bought "Maximum boost" by Corkey Bell.  I am only two chapters in, but it is quite informative.  The first chapter had some formulas and calculations that made my eyes glaze over, but I figure it will make more sense as I get deeper into the book. Just starting on the bit about intercoolers.  Anyone else read this book?
Title: Need reccomendation on good book on turbo's
Post by: burn_your_money on March 16, 2007, 05:02:34 am
I have heard "maximum boost" being recommended several times. I would have mentioned it but I forgot what it was called