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General Information => General => Topic started by: web on November 11, 2004, 06:21:14 am

Title: Almost lost the bunny...
Post by: web on November 11, 2004, 06:21:14 am
Bit offtopic. It would've gone in style though, as the car I almost t-boned (or hit head-on) was a Jaguar XK8!

Happened on the freeway last night. Three lanes in my direction, I was on the leftmost. I was just considering moving one lane to the right when I spotted the Jag on the rightmost lane rapidly closing in on slower traffic. I decided to stay left to allow space for him to change into the middle lane.

But instead of just changing lanes he braked and lost it, spun across all lanes and bounced off the guard rail right in front of me. I saw him coming, braked hard but as I looked straight into his remaining headlight I felt I wasn't going to make it so I let off the brake. I was JUST able to steer between him and the traffic on the rightmost lane. It all happened in a split second. Me and the Golf escaped without a scratch but when I looked in the mirror I saw the gap had already been closed behind me, as he came to a stop sideways across both the left and center lane. A split second later I heard a bang, probably some other poor soul couldn't avoid him. I called 112 immediately (our equivalent of 911) but kept going, figuring plenty of people would stop, whether they wanted to or not.

Later on the radio I heard all three lanes were closed down because of the accident. I have NO idea how many cars were involved eventually, but I'm sure I made a very narrow escape there...
Title: Almost lost the bunny...
Post by: Dr. Diesel on November 11, 2004, 10:21:57 am
:oops:  wow, that makes me sweat bullets just reading it. Glad you made it out of there in one piece!!
Title: Almost lost the bunny...
Post by: web on November 11, 2004, 11:46:03 am
Found mention of the accident on a local news site (in dutch) (http://www.at5.nl/index.asp?newsid=2467) today, says 5 cars were involved in the resulting pileup and severely damaged, but no injuries. Good to hear nobody got hurt there.

And yes, when I arrived at my destination, I needed a drink... top up my "sweat fluid" 8)

Thanks for the compliments, I did consciously make the right decision, making a split second estimate where the Jag would slide next and how long it would take, but I'm not sure I could do it again... and I don't hope to find out either.

Twice within a year, wow! Some bad drivers in your area ;)
Title: Almost lost the bunny...
Post by: fspGTD on November 11, 2004, 01:28:04 pm
Wow - congrats for avoiding that mess, and three cheers for VW handling!  Back when I drove my Rabbit around as my primary street machine, I steered my Rabbit around a freeway SUV-induced pileup developing right in front of me as well... and I was the last car that drove through like you, so I can totally relate to what you went though!  Gets you adrenaline going in short order huh...
Title: Almost lost the bunny...
Post by: Topherdiesel on November 12, 2004, 09:30:08 am
Hehehe, I don't mean to laugh, thats wicked that you are alright and avoided the situation.

But wheb you said the number was 112, all I could think about was the Simpsons episode where homer joins the Stonecutters, and qiggums hands him the piece of paper and says...

"heres the REAL number"
and it says 912

Sorry, its early!