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General Information => Smoke Tales => Topic started by: BlackTieTD on February 01, 2006, 11:23:50 am

Title: minivans...
Post by: BlackTieTD on February 01, 2006, 11:23:50 am
well being a stock 1.6TD and all, even a minivan encounter can be worth mentioning :lol:

leaving work last night, and like every day, i'm accelerating slowly with a cold engine, keeping it low enough that the battery light stays on.

a new black GM minivan comes flying up behind me as i'm at about 40km/h still accelerating to the 50km/h limit. he's right on the back corner of my car, like 2 feet distance  :roll:. just as i'm hitting about 55km/h in 5th, we enter a fairly tight-radius left. i just let the car ride the rails without dropping any speed and the minivan quickly falls back of course (thats one of my favourites)  :lol:

so he catches back up and stays right there on the ass until we're merging onto the 404 highway. for a very short period its a 2-lane on-ramp... you're supposed to merge from the right lane, to the left, then onto the highway. i merge into the left and dip*** in the minivan tries to pass me on the right, quickly running out of lane.

so i dip the throttle a bit, pace him, he can't make up any ground at all, and this is me still driving my car like its cold.  :lol:  he's running out of room quick, maybe thinking that wasn't such a good idea. i let off and let him in.

..then i merged quick onto the highway and accelerated up to his rear quarter (this is my turn to be a dick) so now he's blocked again, he's running out of lane quick, again. again he hammers it, but makes up no ground. again i let him in at the last moment.

so he takes off like a bat out of hell really eager to sit behind a clump of cars. looks like he's really in a rush to be somewhere. i let the car get up to speed without pushing the cold motor hard... and wuddya know!? i ended up back in front of him. i guess he figures my lane is quickest, so he gets back behind me.... well sorry bub, my lane isn't that quick after all... you'll have to wait behind me while both lanes on either side of you are full.  :cry:  :lol: this goes on for a couple minutes and eventually he reaches boiling point right as my car is getting to temperature.

he cuts hard over to the left into the passing lane to sit behind more cars, cutting off the cars behind. i drop to 4th, wind it out, glance in the side mirror as i throw it in 5th and he's disappearing behind quick through a mild sooty haze. my lane is being quickly filled in behind me by commuters and he's stuck in a clump left to dart left and right trying to get around the bottleneck before the clear patch. i enjoyed 5th gear for a couple minutes in the clear... got to the 401, pinned it down the curvy onramp.

i consider myself a good driver.. and i'm refering to respect for other drivers and the rules of the road. i'll actually move over and let you pass  :shock: if you're coming up quick, which is really a hit and miss thing up here (literally). but tailgate me, and you'll be sniffing soot.  :)
Title: minivans...
Post by: bhtooefr on February 01, 2006, 11:32:18 am

Just be careful. If you see an S-platform (the ORIGINAL 1984-1989, IIRC, Chrysler minivan platform) minivan doing that, it might be a 2.5T.

And if it IS a 2.5T, it's actually got something under that hood. Look out :P
Title: minivans...
Post by: BlackTieTD on February 01, 2006, 02:43:03 pm
i took my beginners test in one of those!! ...but just the base motor.

would like to take a sundance/duster out sometime with that blown 2.5L see how it feels  :twisted:
Title: minivans...
Post by: bhtooefr on February 01, 2006, 02:55:49 pm
Hmm... what's the difference between a 2.5NA and a 2.5T?

If it's just the turbo, then my mom's got a Sundance 2.5NA that she says she'll be selling soon... the turbo could be added  :twisted:
Title: minivans...
Post by: BlackTieTD on February 01, 2006, 02:58:56 pm
dunno, its all domestic junk  :o
my friend's grandma has a duster and they live out in the country on a long straight road... i need to find out where she keeps the keys.  :twisted:
Title: minivans...
Post by: RabbitJockey on February 01, 2006, 09:41:28 pm
when people ride my ass i just moosh the pedal to the floor, and rather than accelerating my car smokes like a mofo.  and shortly after they discontinue driving like a coughhole.  convertibles are my fave.  but the motorcyclist was the best, he was really being a dick though, he deserved every bit of soot he inhaled
Title: minivans...
Post by: lord_verminaard on February 01, 2006, 11:56:16 pm
I can imagine that is going to be one of my favorite new tricks once the Scirocco is converted to Diesel- around here, EVERYONE tailgates, drives me crazy.  I mean, this is a small town, so weather or not you are driving like a granny or like Andretti, you are going to get there right about the same time every one else does.  And I drive fast, like 5mph or so over the speed limit anyway but it seems that just about every day some assclown thinks they need to push me.  But that keeping my speed through a tight turn trick is one of my current favorites.  :)

84 Scirocco 8v
00 Camaro L36 M49
Title: those chrysler 2.5t
Post by: gunny on March 21, 2006, 03:05:50 am
I have the ultimate sleeper car that I drive during the summer, a nice white Dodge Omni GLH turbo that I bought new in '88, you want to see a sad look, watch the face of a punk in a civic get the paint sucked off his hood by an Omni. I take it to the club meet near here a few times during the summe and the punks think they can beat it with their rice burners, I just wished they would race for pink slips, wait, that gives my age away doesn't it lol
Title: minivans...
Post by: RabbitJockey on March 24, 2006, 01:13:47 pm
i see nice glh's sitting around here every now and then,  if i only had a million dollars to rent a garage and start a car collection....