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For Sale/Looking For => Parts for Sale/Wanted => Topic started by: Smokey Eddy on July 04, 2010, 05:25:52 am

Title: Resurfacing Flywheel Thread - machine shop vs. emery cloth
Post by: Smokey Eddy on July 04, 2010, 05:25:52 am
anyone have one near south west BC? im looking as far as alberta, washington, oregon... that kind of distance.
thanks for looking.

Found one!
Title: Re: im looking for a 210mm flywheel
Post by: burn_your_money on July 04, 2010, 09:16:35 am
Giles can get you a brand new one for about what you paid to have yours resurfaced.
Title: Re: im looking for a 210mm flywheel
Post by: Smokey Eddy on July 04, 2010, 03:28:29 pm
Are you serious?
Title: Re: im looking for a 210mm flywheel
Post by: Smokey Eddy on July 04, 2010, 03:32:53 pm
what would it cost for one + it to be shipped to V3G1J5?
i was going to hit up the wrecker for one ($20) then have that one machined ($76) so $96.
Title: Re: im looking for a 210mm flywheel
Post by: burn_your_money on July 04, 2010, 04:32:44 pm
My bad, it's reman. $86.20 + about $20 for shipping. And taxes of course.
Title: Re: im looking for a 210mm flywheel
Post by: Smokey Eddy on July 04, 2010, 11:30:25 pm
i bit the bullet and paid $50 for one at the junk yard. So it will be another $76 to machine. 126 total but i will have it on the block by the end of tomorrow.
Title: Re: im looking for a 210mm flywheel
Post by: burn_your_money on July 05, 2010, 12:22:09 pm
Makes sense. Are you getting it lightened at the same time?
Title: Re: im looking for a 210mm flywheel
Post by: Rabbit on Roids on July 05, 2010, 01:23:00 pm
eddy, just take some rough tough emery cloth and rough up the surface of the flywheel yourself. ive NEVER had a flywheel resurfaced. and ive never been able to tell the difference. make sure you get all the glazing off it and you will be just as good as the machined version. just for 76 bucks cheaper. or do whatever you want. how thick is the outside ring? (closest to the engine when installed?)
Title: Re: im looking for a 210mm flywheel
Post by: Smokey Eddy on July 05, 2010, 01:25:41 pm
Kevin, I'm not sure. Im at work right now.
My friend said to just emery cloth it also but i bought a really nice clutch & pressure plate. I sort of want to make sure the surface is perfectly true so it doesn't rapidly wear the clutch.

Tyler, no im not getting it lightened. I'm assuming that would be a hefty price tag in shop hours.
Title: Re: im looking for a 210mm flywheel
Post by: Rabbit on Roids on July 05, 2010, 02:02:05 pm
if the surface is chewed up enough to accelerate clutch wear, then its probably warped also, and that would be no good.

after 1k miles, those nice, shiny, fresh machine marks are gone buddy. and if youe clutch is tougher than stock, its going to be rough on the flywheel, not the flywheel rough on the clutch. there are clutches that will only allow one use on a flywheel and pressure plate. i pulled one apart once that had a really agressive clutch in it, and there was an 16th to an 8th inch of metal removed from the flywheel and pressure plate..

and ive emery clothed LOTS, like 30 or 40, flywheels and never had a problem with any of them. the centerforce DFX clutch i had in one of my toyotas had an emery clothed flywheel, grabbed wonderfully.

so, thats just something to think about. the clutch is going to wear away the flywheel faster than the flywheel will wear away the clutch, if its as good of a clutch as you say it is..

i vote save your 80 bucks and emery it.. looks like its been freshly machined after i clean one up..

anyone else have any input? ultimately its eds decision, but im just tryin to save him money if its not necessary.
Title: Re: im looking for a 210mm flywheel
Post by: Smokey Eddy on July 05, 2010, 02:30:06 pm
Well I dunno, my clutch & pressure plate were like $240... its a 6 puck clutch disk.
I know that the grabbing surface has to match the upper ring as they get machined together.

What ever, i've come this far, i may as well to it right the first time. I've effed up SO much stuff by NOT doing it right the first time and ultimately costing me double or often three times what it would have cost to do it the right way the first time.

I'll emery brake rotors but i dunno about flywheels...
I'm at work and my friend has my money card and is getting it machined today so unless i call him right now and say STOPP!!! it's getting done today :P
Title: Re: im looking for a 210mm flywheel
Post by: Smokey Eddy on July 05, 2010, 02:31:30 pm
I do greatly appreciate your input & tryin to save me a hefty chunk of change Kevin. I'm very thankful for that.
Title: Re: im looking for a 210mm flywheel
Post by: Rabbit on Roids on July 05, 2010, 02:40:23 pm
yea, that clutch wouldnt have cared if it was freshly machined or emery'd. pucked clutches have VERY HARD lining, usually ceramic or something along the lines of that.. and you are probably going to have to throw your clutch, pressure plate, and flywheel away when its done anyway.. its probably going to eat it up good. but it shouldnt slip! everything you have now is one time use..
Title: Re: im looking for a 210mm flywheel
Post by: Smokey Eddy on July 05, 2010, 04:06:28 pm
oh dear :P
Title: Re: im looking for a 210mm flywheel
Post by: Rabbit on Roids on July 05, 2010, 05:34:01 pm
good job on doing it right tho.. i always stress that to people, when it matters that is. some places (like flywheels) are not as picky on their machined surfaces, like a head would be.
Title: Re: im looking for a 210mm flywheel
Post by: Smokey Eddy on July 05, 2010, 05:53:50 pm
I try to just keep the head from getting nicked as best i can. I use 600 grit and a bit of oil to clean the gasket material off (what ever doesn't come off with a razor blade) and it comes off quick. As in 1 or 2 light strokes.

Oddly enough, very off topic but, i noticed some sizable cracks in the precups froming from the opening. 1 was almost 1cm long. None that i could feel with my finger nails but that head has less than 20,000km on it. I suppose they were very rough kilometers running much higher pressure than that head was intended for...

I hate precups. I hate indirect injection. but its what i got so i have to deal with it...
definitely going TDI after this AAZ blows up as im sure it will.
Title: Re: Resurfacing Flywheel Thread - machine shop vs. emery cloth
Post by: Smokey Eddy on July 05, 2010, 07:33:24 pm
oh man i got hosed. Buddy just called me to say it was done. $84 after taxes... it was $8 more than the one i JUST had done last week.
that makes my 210mm flywheel $134.
so flywheel, clutch and pressure plate cost almost the same as what i paid for my entire engine (bare mind you though - no bearings, rings & seals ect).
Title: Re: Resurfacing Flywheel Thread - machine shop vs. emery cloth
Post by: Smokey Eddy on July 05, 2010, 07:35:53 pm
oh its the new "harmonized sales tax" that just came into effect on the 1st of july...
we pay INSANE tax in BC. like ... 15% HST and sometimes you pay GST or PST or both ONTOP of that so almost 30%. the HST is supposed to be both the PST and GST but apparently sometimes you have to pay all three?
Title: Re: Resurfacing Flywheel Thread - machine shop vs. emery cloth
Post by: mtnbob on July 05, 2010, 09:58:46 pm
Don't feel bad, thanks to Obama >:( We will be getting big tax increases starting the first of the year as all of the Bush tax breaks expire. Obama will then be raising our taxes further to pay for all of the "free programs" that we are going to get. ::)
Title: Re: Resurfacing Flywheel Thread - machine shop vs. emery cloth
Post by: Smokey Eddy on July 05, 2010, 11:11:29 pm
im a fan of taxing the rich and improving the quality of life of the poor. makes for an overall better country.
but i dont undestand how this HST is going to do any of that.
i think taxing should be based 100% on income.
there is no need for the rich to be astronomically rich and the poor pathetically, hopelessly and desperately poor.
Title: Re: Resurfacing Flywheel Thread - machine shop vs. emery cloth
Post by: burn_your_money on July 06, 2010, 12:49:27 am
we pay INSANE tax in BC. like ... 15% HST and sometimes you pay GST or PST or both ONTOP of that so almost 30%. the HST is supposed to be both the PST and GST but apparently sometimes you have to pay all three?

 ??? ??? That's not how it works in Ontario. If you were charged all 3 taxes then I think someone is trying to make a few extra dollars...
Title: Re: Resurfacing Flywheel Thread - machine shop vs. emery cloth
Post by: Smokey Eddy on July 06, 2010, 01:51:05 am
yeah who knows. There is an extra charge of $6 in the invoice "re & re dowels" that wasn't on the other invoice for the 200mm FW.