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General Information => GTG section => Topic started by: tSoG-84bit on September 07, 2009, 09:38:18 pm

Title: since the US govt banned my cigarettes.... (trip to canada)
Post by: tSoG-84bit on September 07, 2009, 09:38:18 pm
as of the 23rd of this month I will no longer be able to buy my wonderfully delicious clove cigarettes in the USofA, so I'm forced to drive to canada and buy them. Anyone know where I can buy djarum blacks on the other side of erie pond? maybe we can have a "park our cars together" moment, and tell everyone about it back on the vortecks....

seriously though. I'd rather ruin the environment by burning 5 gallons of fuel to buy my cigarettes once a month than give phillip morris a fecking dollar for banning their competition, and my yummy cancer sticks.

I wonder if anyone else is offended? I wonder if anyone cares?

hopefully I don't get baleted...
Title: Re: since the US govt banned my cigarettes.... (trip to canada)
Post by: maxfax on September 07, 2009, 10:33:15 pm
I'll agree that it's BS..    But then again smoking isn't PC now days..  Even though I read somewhere along the line that cigarette sales are up right now....  As though this ecomic crap isn;t bad enough, the statewide smoking ban has been rough on alot of bars and restaurants...   If you don;t want to sit in a smokey restaurant/bar, go somewhere else..   If you must to to the smokey establisment, then deal with it..   darn crybabies....

Hopefully the good ole gubermant doesn;t get too much more crazy on this anti smoking craze, what woudl they do without the revenue???

Title: Re: since the US govt banned my cigarettes.... (trip to canada)
Post by: tSoG-84bit on September 07, 2009, 11:07:12 pm
I'm pretty sure anyone who has ever met me realized that I'm not PC.  ;D

Seriously though, anyone up in canada have any recommendations? do they have "smokers outlets" up north?
Title: Re: since the US govt banned my cigarettes.... (trip to canada)
Post by: burnt_servo on September 08, 2009, 01:15:07 am
I'm pretty sure anyone who has ever met me realized that I'm not PC.  ;D

Seriously though, anyone up in canada have any recommendations? do they have "smokers outlets" up north?
i don't know of anyone that smokes anymore .... seriously .... well tobacco that is :D .....

now those funny left handed  ones are a different story :D :D :D
Title: Re: since the US govt banned my cigarettes.... (trip to canada)
Post by: foxracer1 on September 08, 2009, 01:49:13 pm
I don't smoke and it makes me mad. If i wanna smoke i will. I agree with the bar and restaurant ban most people go out to hang out and smoke rather than smoke at home with their kids.
Title: Re: since the US govt banned my cigarettes.... (trip to canada)
Post by: maxfax on September 08, 2009, 04:44:45 pm
I don't smoke and it makes me mad. If i wanna smoke i will. I agree with the bar and restaurant ban most people go out to hang out and smoke rather than smoke at home with their kids.

Thankyou!!!! That has been my though too..   Nothing better than ma and pa sitting home with the kids getting hammered and smoking...

I think this propsition has dies out completely now, but at one point PA wanted to make it illegal to smoke in your car!!  Do they want to increase road rage and aggressive driving???
Title: Re: since the US govt banned my cigarettes.... (trip to canada)
Post by: foxracer1 on September 08, 2009, 05:00:33 pm
After reading my post it sounds funny so i'll edit it.

I don't smoke. But the band makes me mad. I Disagree with the ban on smoking at bars and restaurants. I agree with your guys debate against it. I feel people should be able to smoke somewhere other than at home.
Title: Re: since the US govt banned my cigarettes.... (trip to canada)
Post by: tSoG-84bit on September 08, 2009, 05:11:02 pm
I'm going to spanky's here in a lil bit and buying every djarum black they have in stock and requesting they hold 3 cartons for me til next friday... I wonder if the indian reservations will be allowed to sell them still...

the only people I know who smoke cloves are 21+... One friend is a 40 something year old woman who never met anyone else who smoked cloves til I came into the bar she was working at while I was smoking.

With my diesel, and the fact that I'm only a hundred odd miles from canada means I'll be able to afford a bimonthly/quarterly trip across the border for smokes... I've got friends across the country that are probably ready to march a mob up to the capitol for taking away their yummy cancer sticks...

This isn't a ban against smoking in bars, but now that it's been mentioned I'm against that as well.

This is about an outright ban (funded by Phillip Morris) of the sale/distribution of about a dozen brands of cigarettes (in competition with Phillip Morris) nationwide. These cigarettes, are claimed to entice minors to smoke (by Phillip Morris) and now that barack osama has granted the FDA enough power to do so, they have granted Phillip Morris a near monopoly on cigarette sales in this country... I'm done being political, because I seriously don't want to stop smoking because my choice of cigarette hurts the profits of some huge corporation...

back on topic, Does any canadian know of a chain/store that may carry Djarum cigarettes?
Title: Re: since the US govt banned my cigarettes.... (trip to canada)
Post by: foxracer1 on September 08, 2009, 05:26:55 pm
How is a monoply selling tobacco products better?

I know it isn't about the bar bands just comenting on it.
Title: Re: since the US govt banned my cigarettes.... (trip to canada)
Post by: tSoG-84bit on September 08, 2009, 06:51:41 pm
I guess I'm making a trip to canada sooner than I'd like, unless there is anyone across the border that wants to deliver cartons for parts ;-) I just talked to the woman running my favorite lil smoke shop, and they are not only barred from selling them after the 22nd, they are unable to resupply before then.. I won't be giving them any more business because of the FDA (thats effing douchebag agency if you're not good at acronyms) says so.... tragically, I didn't stop there before the weekend because I could've bought a couple cartons...

I'm googling smoke shops across the border, and I think I'm gonna be getting that tattoo I was putting off. I'll have to talk to pal and see if he is still up for doing it.

CALLING ALL CANADIANS!! do you have a need for diesel/A1 parts? I need my nicotine, you need parts... lets make a deal!
Title: Re: since the US govt banned my cigarettes.... (trip to canada)
Post by: foxracer1 on September 08, 2009, 08:59:59 pm
Sweet whats the tat gonna be? I wanna get another. Gotta sit down with an artist to put together my ideas.
Title: Re: since the US govt banned my cigarettes.... (trip to canada)
Post by: tSoG-84bit on September 08, 2009, 10:03:13 pm
a good friend of mine is a tattoo artist. He does do commission work, but he's into it for the art, so he might give you a good price on some original sketch, but no promises on you getting a good deal for a trampstamp for the lady, or a tribal/ sleeve for the bros. No idea where Bowling Green is, but we aren't far from the ohio border, and have club meetings once a month. If you wanna come up and see if he'll do some work, then I'll see if he has the free time. I do know that he doesn't reuse original work, and generally burns the copy given to him as the customer watches, after completion of the artwork.

one of these.
Dead Rabbit Society Logo:

or something a lil more serious, and time consuming

Title: Re: since the US govt banned my cigarettes.... (trip to canada)
Post by: drrtybyl on September 08, 2009, 11:55:15 pm
It's easy to tax unwanted behavior by making it immoral...  Or is it the other way around?

"Carbon credits" here we come  :-X
Title: Re: since the US govt banned my cigarettes.... (trip to canada)
Post by: foxracer1 on September 09, 2009, 06:41:40 pm
Where abouts are you located? I'm all the way on the west side. Just south of toledo. But wouldn't hesitate to make a road trip for some vw fun and a new tat.
Title: Re: since the US govt banned my cigarettes.... (trip to canada)
Post by: tSoG-84bit on September 09, 2009, 09:46:32 pm
we are located about 40 miles south east of Erie PA. zipcode is 16434, but about 10 miles out of "town"

I'm in the process of converting the other club members to VWs/diesels, but most realize how fun they are to bomb around in, and what not, just can't justify another car... yet.

I'm prolly gonna try and have a few people over this weekend and next, to hang out and get cars tore into. I'll talk to Pal, and see if he is free.
IM me for more info on tats, GTG, etc.. I gotta get someone ontop of a website for us...

and on topic, I found a couple places to call on bulk orders of my nummy Djarums. and bought a few cartons in town 170 bucks later, I've got enough to hold me over for a lil while.
Title: Re: since the US govt banned my cigarettes.... (trip to canada)
Post by: foxracer1 on September 09, 2009, 11:00:59 pm
Your a little over 4.5 hrs away. I'll keep it in mind. Let me know if ya gtg next month or so.

Glad to hear you stocked up.
Title: Re: since the US govt banned my cigarettes.... (trip to canada)
Post by: tSoG-84bit on September 11, 2009, 11:08:19 pm
well, I talked to Pal tonight, and gonna make sure everything is a go, but I think we will be meeting next saturday and sunday to get ready for the next road trip.  He might be down for doing some artwork that weekend, depending on how much you want done, or maybe just come out to chat and see if ya'll can work out a better plan for a later date. (if'n you're interested hit me up in PM)

I suppose I should quit hijacking my own threads... I'll post up another thread when we figure out when we are gonna meet next month. Probably 3rd weekend, but who knows.

I love my cigarettes, but smoking is bad for you..
Title: Re: since the US govt banned my cigarettes.... (trip to canada)
Post by: macka on September 14, 2009, 09:38:25 am
I can take a looksy for you. I think the local Indian Rez has em.
Title: Re: since the US govt banned my cigarettes.... (trip to canada)
Post by: macka on September 19, 2009, 08:48:02 am
They don't have any clove cigarettes, however I hear the rez's like gananoquay in upstate NY on the ontario border are stocking them.
Title: Re: since the US govt banned my cigarettes.... (trip to canada)
Post by: BellCityDubber on September 29, 2009, 11:16:56 pm
^^ Gord!! What's going on man?!?!

Anyways... I just PM'd tSoG....
I might be able to help you out man... I'm almost directly north of you... in Brantford, a stones throw from the Six Nations Reserve (The largest Aboriginal Reservation in canada..... so we have lots of smoke shops ;) )

Although, I'm sure they don't carry clove smokes..... I'll see what I can do....
Title: Re: since the US govt banned my cigarettes.... (trip to canada)
Post by: macka on September 29, 2009, 11:55:05 pm
^^ Gord!! What's going on man?!?!

Anyways... I just PM'd tSoG....
I might be able to help you out man... I'm almost directly north of you... in Brantford, a stones throw from the Six Nations Reserve (The largest Aboriginal Reservation in canada..... so we have lots of smoke shops ;) )

Although, I'm sure they don't carry clove smokes..... I'll see what I can do....

Got back in the trades, bought a mkII diesel and living up north. Just easier to make a living then stressing over the small stuff. I'll be heading down cambridge way in the spring. If I don't have to bring anything big I'll be driving the smoke bomb. Still doing the gtg at timmies in Galt?
Title: Re: since the US govt banned my cigarettes.... (trip to canada)
Post by: BellCityDubber on September 30, 2009, 01:03:40 am
you mean hespeler....
galt is south cambridge.... :)
Yeah, we're still there...

tSoG.... got your pm..... I'll let ya know
Title: Re: since the US govt banned my cigarettes.... (trip to canada)
Post by: macka on September 30, 2009, 08:23:32 pm
yea hespeler, where revving the engine is wrong LOL
Title: Re: since the US govt banned my cigarettes.... (trip to canada)
Post by: jtanguay on November 04, 2009, 03:27:58 pm
the natives over here sell a few brands like deerfield etc. they run for about $25 a carton. i'm not a smoker so i can't really comment on how good they are, but i know a few people who smoke them (probably for economic reasons...) but they aren't that bad so i'm told...
Title: Re: since the US govt banned my cigarettes.... (trip to canada)
Post by: macka on November 07, 2009, 10:19:04 pm
the natives over here sell a few brands like deerfield etc. they run for about $25 a carton. i'm not a smoker so i can't really comment on how good they are, but i know a few people who smoke them (probably for economic reasons...) but they aren't that bad so i'm told...

I used to smoke the native brands for several reasons, there is a small tatse difference, but flipping the bird to the GOV made me happy. I quit because I have kids.