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General Information => Smoke Tales => Topic started by: srivett on June 15, 2005, 11:28:12 pm

Title: Losses
Post by: srivett on June 15, 2005, 11:28:12 pm
So, what was your most embarrassing loss?  One night I was waiting in line behind a Geo Metro when I heard some tires chirping.  He had taken his chance to turn left onto a highway and he was booking it!  I had enough space so I hit it from my spot 1 car length behind the stopsign and went after him without stopping.  1st, 2nd, 3rd, and he was gone.  I didn't even have a chance.   :oops:  No doubt he had a 3-cylinder too...

hehehehe, a stock NA with a loud exhaust and intake ain't much to race with.   :x

Cheers, Steve
Title: Losses
Post by: lord_verminaard on June 16, 2005, 07:38:08 am
LOL!  Well, if it makes you feel any better, the 4-cylinder Metros were a lot faster than they should have been.  I read a magazine article once where they took a 4-cylinder Suzuki Swift (same car) and put tires, springs/shocks, swaybars, exhaust and intake, and did the slalom test something like 2 secconds faster than the Corvette ZR1.  Ouch.  
On the other hand, a co-worker had a 3-cylinder Metro, it was a true beater.  He only drove it with the throttle in two positions; all the way up or to the floor.  :)

84 Scirocco 8v
00 Camaro L36 M49
Title: Losses
Post by: BlackTieTD on June 16, 2005, 08:42:57 am
Quote from: "lord_verminaard"
I read a magazine article once where they took a 4-cylinder Suzuki Swift (same car) and put tires, springs/shocks, swaybars, exhaust and intake, and did the slalom test something like 2 secconds faster than the Corvette ZR1.

cool little cars, all things considered. my friend has the 4cyl turbo version (OE). pretty rare i think.....
Title: Losses
Post by: SMOKEYDUB on June 16, 2005, 05:27:30 pm
I was sitting at a light with my 86 jetta and my buddy pulled up beside me in his 91? cavelier with a 3.1 and a 5 spd. So light turned and I left at 5000 rpm and about half way through 1st I sheared all of my cv axle bolts on the drivers side. ooopppppppsss!!!!!!!!!!! it was a bit embarassing after i was just saying how good the car was to me :lol:
Title: Losses
Post by: abcdefg1675 on September 15, 2005, 02:43:52 am

A honda civic was following behind me.

I was crusing up a small hill in town, burning oil. A deer jumped out of someones lawn, and I locked up the VW rabbit tires, make lots of tire smoke and noise, and came very close to hitting the deer.

So, I dump it in 1st, floor it up to 20 then put it in 2nd and floor it up to 35, leaving a hell of a lot of grey/blue smoke behind me.

I come to the top of the hill, 35mph, flat for about 1 mile. Then it comes to a much larger hill, where it becomes the highway at 55Mph.

Of course, I put in 3rd and floor it hard up to about 50, and the honda had enough of my blue and black smokescreen, so the person passes me as If I were going backwards.

Then, I start to creep toward 55 in 3rd gear, just keep it mashed, and of course the civic wusses out on the hill and I have to let off the throttle and slow down.

2. Stoplight, 4 lane street. The Peterbuilt with logs on it was on my left, I was on the right. Two diesels next to eachother clattering away. The light goes green, and I put it in 1st and floor it hard, then into 2nd and start to creep toward 20Mph, of course, the peterbuilt with logs on it still is accelerating faster than me.

3. Budweiser beer semi, riding my bumper. Dont blame the guy, I was going 40Mph in a 55. So I floor it up to 60, and I cant shake the guy. I slow back down to 55, and he passes me. Im thinking "Oh yeah, sure. Get outta here, ya peice of crap...", also wonering how he manages to outrun a 1900lb car...

Not quite like the movie "Duel", but similar idea. Guy in a little car floors it as fast as the car wants to go, but the semi is still on his bumper... hmm.

4. Not quite a loss, but it was good. I was tailgating an oil burning mini-van. Very tight windy corners. They speed up to about 5 over and wont let me pass, or either I dont have enough hampsters under the hood to do it. The van was taking corners hard, I was in the rabbit and my tires were howling on the corners and my crap was sliding around in the back.

Of course, a little hatchback can hold out better in the corners than a mini van. The van is leaning hard in the corners, and after a few minutes they pull over really fast and hard off to the side of the road, and I just keep on  rattling away.
Title: Losses
Post by: RAMMSTEIN on September 15, 2005, 03:57:09 pm
I was moving and the passat was full of stuff, all the way to the top.

I live in the country, so I turn right onto a secondary road.

A ford escort passes me while I'm turning!!!! :evil:

I was in 3rd, so I floor it.

The escort passes me with difficulty...but my evrymod wasn't on so....

A few days after, I was behind a motorcycle that was very slow.

Taking a 55 kph turn at 40 kph for a bike just get my blood pressure way up there.... :evil:

So comes the same turn where the escort passed me.

I put the evrymod all the way.... :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:

And I smoke the bike so bad he disapear for a moment....lol :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

I got my revenge... :twisted:  :twisted:
Title: Losses
Post by: Dr. Diesel on September 16, 2005, 07:36:17 am
mother nature 1, na rabbit 0

every time there was a headwind, I couldn't acheive 100km/h on the highway. Had to wait for a semi truck to come by to draft him. It was the only way, at least till I tossed the 4 spd in favour of a fivour.
Title: Losses
Post by: BlackTieTD on September 19, 2005, 03:49:52 pm
found myself going down an on-ramp in 5th, coffee in hand, this morning. i didn't want to hit the brakes and merge in behind a slow jeep, so i dipped the throttle to the floor, but my 5th gear really doesn't come to life until 130km/h and i was only doing about 100km/h. jeep is anticipating this i guess and floors it  :lol: cuts me off and i have to hit the brakes and merge in behind him.

little did he know, if i didn't have my hands full i would have been grabbing for 4th and past him before he knew it was coming.  :wink:  :twisted:
Title: Losses
Post by: GuyGuy on September 23, 2005, 07:20:46 pm
reminds me many years ago.
1984 rabbit with 5 speed.

moving stuff with trailer. small trailer but packed with a freezer, bed frames, tires, vacuum cleaner, car parts. you get the picture. HEAVY :shock:

went from Ottawa to Montreal to Niagara Falls 10 hours of WOT. my leg hurt like a *** i was pushing the pedal so hard.

95 kms/h is all she would do on flat. never let off up or down hill.

down hill i once hit 120 and is was phooking scary floatin like a S.O.B.

came to pass a semi doing about 90, everything is fine until i get right beside him where he's splittin the air and i just hit a wall couldn't get passed him, :shock:  then we come to a hill, traffic is pilling up behind me, there's nothing i can do, semi slowly pulls away from me going up the hill, all i could do is put my signal on and wait till he passes me, i tuck behind him to try and draft as i'm doing about 85 by then, people are giving me the evil eye as they pass.  :oops:

Not to mention that  the side of the trailer is covered in black soot.

beleive it or not it took me about 1/2 hour to get by him, i finally got him on a big downhill and i never let off. I finally punched through the wind blast and kept going.

pulled over a few hours later to fill up and never turned the car off fearing it would never start again.

then it was off to another six hours of WOT.

god i miss that wabbit.
Title: Losses
Post by: Maarten on September 24, 2005, 02:48:41 am
I just had my worst loss a week ago... while pulling onto the highway fro a 2 lane red-light the hose on the turbo said *poef* and I was doomed to the emergencylane while I was more then a car length in front of a crappy Mazda 323F @80km/h.