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General Information => General => Topic started by: jimfoo on September 20, 2007, 10:59:00 am

Title: Canada no longer a deal - slightly ot
Post by: jimfoo on September 20, 2007, 10:59:00 am
Looks like the Canadian dollar and US dollar are now equal, so us US folk are no longer getting a deal buying from up north.
Title: Canada no longer a deal - slightly ot
Post by: Vincent Waldon on September 20, 2007, 11:21:26 am
But are we are still more polite ??!!!!!    :wink:

Title: Canada no longer a deal - slightly ot
Post by: jimfoo on September 20, 2007, 11:54:45 am
Very likely so.
Title: Canada no longer a deal - slightly ot
Post by: zukgod1 on September 20, 2007, 03:36:17 pm
Not to sure it was ever a "deal" anyway with shipping.

This is just going to make it harder for Canadian vendors to compete with US vendors.

Title: Canada no longer a deal - slightly ot
Post by: jtanguay on September 20, 2007, 04:38:56 pm
Quote from: "zukgod1"
Not to sure it was ever a "deal" anyway with shipping.

This is just going to make it harder for Canadian vendors to compete with US vendors.


yea... our economy is going to suffer...
Title: Canada no longer a deal - slightly ot
Post by: zukgod1 on September 20, 2007, 06:09:54 pm
I didn't mean that in a bad way, I've always enjoyed my exchanges with you canuks.. :)

I hope it doesn't hurt the economy up there, I just figured the difference in currency would encourage the US buyers to buy from up north, did me.

Title: Canada no longer a deal - slightly ot
Post by: Turbinepowered on September 21, 2007, 07:35:46 am
Quote from: "Vincent Waldon"
But are we are still more polite ??!!!!!    :wink:

I dunno Vince, we're awfully polite down here in the Southeast.

Well, sometimes.  :lol:
Title: Canada no longer a deal - slightly ot
Post by: burn_your_money on September 21, 2007, 12:02:40 pm
I certainly was enjoying it when 1 of your dollars was good for 1.50 of ours
Title: Canada no longer a deal - slightly ot
Post by: Wolfsbur on September 21, 2007, 01:44:54 pm
I spend a few weeks in Montreal each summer (love seeing all the cool VWs--Passat Syncro 16V...).  This visit it was odd not having the value bump I'd grown used to in these past 20 years or so.

Still a better deal than the Euro exchange rate though...