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IDI Engine / Re: One v. Two Wire Temp Sender
« Last post by ORCoaster on August 25, 2024, 09:29:50 pm »
Would one of the wires work to the gauge if you just grounded the other?  Most of the time there are two wires but one is ground.  So try that and let me know if it works.  Brown is normally the VW ground color.  Try that first.
IDI Engine / One v. Two Wire Temp Sender
« Last post by ghostrider2 on August 25, 2024, 11:33:51 am »
Hello! On my 81 van with a recently swapped in 1.6TD JX motor, the temp gauge isn't working in the old (pre-84) console. I've checked all the electronics and they are working. The sensor is getting around 10 volts and the gauge moves when I short the plug.

After a bit of research it seems there are JX motors with a temperature sending sensor with one wire but mine has a plug with two wires. Is my old console expecting the one wire version? Is there a way to get my two wire sensor to work? It looks like a pain to swap out the whole flange where the sensor is.

Parts for Sale/Wanted / turbo kit for 1.6na wanted
« Last post by scottmartin49 on August 25, 2024, 10:30:53 am »
Looking for the whole manifold/turbo/intake set up to convert my n/a. VW only please- no Chinese knockoff's. Shipping would be to 13309 zip. Payment via Paypal as goods.

mTDI Mechanical TDI Conversions / Re: Cranks But wont fire LR IP
« Last post by ORCoaster on August 23, 2024, 10:20:29 pm »
I knew it all along just forgot to say it.
mTDI Mechanical TDI Conversions / Re: Cranks But wont fire LR IP
« Last post by fatmobile on August 20, 2024, 11:24:17 pm »
 Good to hear it.
 And an easy/cheap fix.
 I was going to suggest that might be the problem, ha.
User's ride Wall / Re: 81 Rabbit LS AAZ (2023: now tdi-m)
« Last post by Dennis Froelich on August 20, 2024, 10:38:29 am »
Hell yes!!
IDI Engine / Re: Sharing my 1.6td project
« Last post by as4k on August 20, 2024, 09:39:15 am »
Some news on this car.  Its going to be up for sale soon looking for a new home.  I feel pretty good with where the car is now versus where it was when I got it 2 years ago.  Going to finish up a few things shortly then hopefully somebody else can give it a good home and care for it.  This place is a fantastic resource and everyone here has been top notch in terms of help and information.  Will share more and some "closing thoughts" when the car hopefully sells.  Got another Audi on the way which will be a bit easier for me to work with.  I likely wont post it anywhere now except for a few fb Audi sites.  If anyone here was or is interested I'll leave my email here.  audisport4000 AT gmail DOT com
Thanks all!
mTDI Mechanical TDI Conversions / Re: Cranks But wont fire LR IP
« Last post by jhax on August 20, 2024, 08:09:42 am »
We got a start and a run! Turns out my fuel screw was not in enough and my throttle lever position needed a bit more advancement. Thank you all for your help.
User's ride Wall / Re: 81 Rabbit LS AAZ (2023: now tdi-m)
« Last post by RabbitJockey on August 19, 2024, 06:25:12 pm »
Also there is the video of me starting it and pulling it back into the garage
MK2 Golf/Jetta and Audi 5k / Re: Finally mounted my ECOdiesel turbo...
« Last post by oblique on August 18, 2024, 11:36:26 pm »
So far I've tried adjusting the little beehive wastegate by turning the threaded rod IN one full perceptible effect. Giles thinks that screw is only for wastegate valve travel although spring tension would not only reduce travel but opening pressure...i don't know enough.

Some ood threads here suggested using a humidifier needle adapter to pierce the hard-line on the turbo to bleed pressure and have the wastegate open later.
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