To shorten this car's last decade-plus: after mostly putting everything back together, it became obvious that the junkyard IP also needed a rebuild, so this project went mTDI: the pump options were also much cheaper. I started with somebody's modded AAZ pump from ebay.
I ended up overhauling the head, re-ringing the block and getting injectors rebuilt with .216 nozzles. Turbo is K03 with manual control set to top around 20psi -- usually only sees 12-15. It's a large go kart that gets 40mpg+ flooring it. The best part of driving this car is how it continues pulling at the top end of 3rd and 4th under full boost. I'll add more photos of the rest of the build as I find them
Here's a random blurry shot of my 1.5 IP next to a Rover pump in 2012. it's hard to believe that a running 200tdi pump shipped from the UK in 2012 was a little over $200
A move put this project on hold but I gained garage space, where it sat and wouldn't ultimately make it onto the road for a while. At this point nearly everything has been replaced or rebuilt except the 020 [fingers crossed]. Brakes, suspension, fuel system, interior, etc, with other things still to replace (AC condenser).
Wish I'd had the following mTDI mk1 swap tl;dr (all documented in detail on this forum/tdiclub):
-PS engine mount is easily fabricated chopping down a stock mk1 mount
-Rover pumps need the IDI pump mounting bracket widened to fit hub. Use/mod an IDI rear mounting bracket
-Rover pump timing may not correspond to the AHU hub
-EGR mess should easily be deleted via blockoff plate
-mk1 pump throttle cable bracket needs chopping for the Rover pump
-downpipe may interfere with the 020 shift linkage- not sure how others handle this? For this car, reclocking the turbo and refactoring the downpipe wouldn't have created enough room. Here's the ~3" linkage offset I made to be able to shift into 5th on my F0 020