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IDI Engine / Re: 1.6td vs AAZ in a 1982 Vanagon
« Last post by fatmobile on October 08, 2024, 11:21:04 pm »
The AAZ isn't much different than the 1.6.
 Both are IDI and have external waterpump, along with intermediate shafts that run the oil and vacuum pumps.

 The vanagon is a pretty big vehicle and the extra power of the 1.9 would make it more driveable.
IDI Engine / Re: IP pump Id
« Last post by homerj1 on October 08, 2024, 06:10:54 pm »
There are no id #s on the pump except for
 " The numbers i can find are...
468 stamped into the housing beside the fuel inlet.
& CHJ 0631 printed on the delivery head"

The above is from the seller of the IP. Also the pump was rebuilt, not used & stored for the past 10 years, so I figure the insides might be a bit gummy?
IDI Engine / Re: 1.6td vs AAZ in a 1982 Vanagon
« Last post by homerj1 on October 08, 2024, 06:08:19 pm »
Other then the increase in displacement, can you suggest why, as I've been reading the 1.6td was more reliable?
IDI Engine / Re: 1.6td vs AAZ in a 1982 Vanagon
« Last post by RabbitJockey on October 08, 2024, 03:15:39 pm »
i would test the engine compression, and stay with the aaz in it if its good or if you're going to spend money rebuilding something i'd do another aaz.

if you're lucky you can get away with a turbo and pump rebuild
IDI Engine / Re: IP pump Id
« Last post by RabbitJockey on October 08, 2024, 03:13:32 pm »
this looks like an aaz pump because of the shape of the "snout" or nose. a part number would be the best way to tell
IDI Engine / 1.6td vs AAZ in a 1982 Vanagon
« Last post by homerj1 on October 08, 2024, 01:15:08 pm »
Hey folks, haven't posted here in a long while.

I bought a 1982 Vanagon last year & have just refurbished the front & rear suspensions. It came with a 1.6na from the factory, it currently has a non running AAZ leaking IP with I think a blown turbo
Do I rebuild\refresh the AAZ or a 1.6td ? I have a few 1.6tds and at least a 1 AAZ block.
I do have some $$ restraints so I want to make the engine reliable & increase the performance of the engine I install. (Fuel screw, intercooler & egt)

Any help would be appreciate!

IDI Engine / IP pump Id
« Last post by homerj1 on October 08, 2024, 01:05:03 pm »
Can anyone id if this is a 1.6td pump or a AAZ pump?

FAQ/Tech Tips/Please Read First / Re: Drum brakes On 1997 TD MK3 AAZ (canada)
« Last post by Dennis Froelich on October 05, 2024, 10:58:10 am »
I believe 200 mm for the rear drums. GTI brakes will work on it.
FAQ/Tech Tips/Please Read First / Drum brakes On 1997 TD MK3 AAZ (canada)
« Last post by Fasteddy83 on October 05, 2024, 09:50:17 am »
Hey everyone, i picked up a mk3 97 TD Jetta GL its got the AAZ, my question is which size drum brakes are on the rear im in the process of ordering parts, I'm working out of town and don't have the car here with me. Can anybody help me determine which size of drums i would have ? also any reccomnedations for replacement, ive also been wondering if the Gti brakes would fit the front, i believe it came with 239x12mm rotors (solid)

Thanks in advance
Proper performance mods will improve your mpg instead of hurting them.

assuming you already have a boost controller: first performance mod i would do is adding an intercooler, there are no downsides to it. It makes the engine run cooler which is very important for the reliability of an idi, it increases power by improving air flow with denser air, and it improves your mpg because the engine and turbo aren't working as hard thanks to the intercooler.

second thing i would do is either buy a giles performance pump, or if you're on a budget or brave you can modify your own pump by doing the governor mod and adjust fueling using the FAQ section of this forum.

Lastly would be to upgrade the turbo and i'd go for a small garrett wastegated turbo or one of the small holsets like an he200 or he201 which will offer better spool up and more flow than the stock k24 or garrett t3. the k24 and t3 can flow abolut 150-160hp worth of air which is around the point when a 1.6 becomes unreliable
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