
Author Topic: Jbodies.....  (Read 3317 times)

September 20, 2006, 02:14:18 am


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« on: September 20, 2006, 02:14:18 am »
well, on my way to fill up late at night just before the station closes, I was going down a main road, and I come up to this jbody..... riced out.... 2 ghey stripes, personalized plate, really bad exhaust, not even a fart can, just a poorly placed tip... I thought.. meh.. another j-body.

So, as I'm approaching, he hammers it..... I'm kinda wondering....uhhmmm Kay, sure....

I figured, what the hell, I've got a few mods done to my oilburner.. I thought I might as well cane it for a bit and see how my 15 year old coalshoveler measures up to a new sunfire.

so I get closer, downgear and hammer it... I pull with him but I ran out of steam in the upper rpms because I haven't done the governer mod or much fueling mods for that matter <because>....

so I backed off a bit... and then there comes a really nice bend in the road.... so I wait for it...

hammer it into the bend in 3rd..... catch up a bit..... and we're both pulling but I'm still loosing steam way up top.

then I came close to my fuel stop, and an interection to another main road, so I thought it would be in my best interest to back off (I dont need anymore racing/speeding tickets)

looks like I need a few more goodies in order to push the power I'm looking at.

Reply #1September 20, 2006, 05:16:35 am


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« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2006, 05:16:35 am »
nice =)
just keep modding the oilburner! :D

Reply #2September 26, 2006, 12:12:28 am


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« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2006, 12:12:28 am »
j bodies are like nitrous to me
they make me laugh :lol:
always spankable
i suppose there may be 1 or 2 fast ones in the states somewhere :roll:
diesels rule
keep modding
lol if he knew you were gettin mid 40s mpg,he would be cryin
most of the time this is hilfolk'r... ive forgotten my password

