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Greater than 20psi mods AAZ T3

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I finally went through my car and had it running and fun. Started every time. 39.3mpg. Fun. It made me happy. Then I started smelling diesel. A constant, fast burble of fuel was coming from the IP. Figures after 35 years something had to dry out. So I pulled it and am now springing in the spring for a Giles pump and injectors.

I now have questions after more reading about boost, boost, boost.

86 mk2 golf
1.9 1Y with T3 & 5-speed

I want the car cross-countryable yet fun. Fun. Not crazy. I know a stronger clutch is in order and am open to recommendations. Also exhaust (2.5" is assumed).

Giles asked if I wanted <=20psi or +20psi. How much more modifications would be needed for the +20psi even if I rarely hit those numbers?

for +20...
APR bolts/studs?


an intercooler is always recommended, and make sure giles knows if you are going to be using one or not. The intercooler will help to improve your MPG's, it will improve over all air flow, improved reliability too by keeping the engine cool, and obviously an increase in power assuming you have the fueling to go along with the extra air. you can make more power at 12psi with an intercooler than you can make at 20psi without one.

i wouldn't run more than 20psi with that turbo, especially if you're going to rev it high, with an intercooler 15psi is a good limit assuming you are revving to a max rpm of 5000. otherwise you can overspeed the turbo. those t3's are tough little turbos but it sounds like you're going for reliability more than power.

i think you will be ok with out arp studs, they are a great upgrade but not necessary imo.

Above 20psi requires extra mods to the pump. Like Rabbit says, even at that limit you will be heatstressing the motor. 15psi is safer w/o intercooler but depends on your terrain...if you're climbing a lot, heavy, you may still run into issues.

I just don't want to go down the road of upgrading one thing and then living in Upgrade City. it is a vicious, expensive cycle to get caught in.

IC:  The moral of the story is lots of good air in and lots of unrestricted air out. So, I will start that hunt.

and yes, I want Reliability with Fun next to the cherry. I think it can be done.

as far as the clutch, when I talk to the gasser sales people, they speak in terms of HP. I read here clutch matching should be related to Torque. I have looked at South Bend, the Mexican clutch, and the German clutch. and again, I want something that is strong which means infrequent installations (one and done hopefully) and will forgive me for my driving abilities (or lack thereof).
The Bentley A3 (MK3) pg. 3-2 says it is a 210mm clutch.
Any thoughts?

do you know what clutch you have now? if its a 210mm aaz/1y clutch you're probably fine as is.


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