Engine Specific Info and Questions > mTDI Mechanical TDI Conversions

mTDI Passat b2 swap, your help is much appreciated

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 It's pretty common for the 1.6 VW diesels to not start when hot.
 It seems to always point back to a weak starter.
 Seems the engine gets tighter when hot, harder to turn.
 A new starter has always fixed it for me.

 Another work around is to have the glowplugs come on even when hot.
With a 1.6D I just need to disconnect the glow plug relay temp sender.

 I don't know much about that VNT controller.
 Mine and others take throttle position into account.
 I think it's an important input.

Thanks for another input fatmobile, maybe you mistyped but it’s an 1.9TDI afn. Will refurbish the starter also just in case

I don't have much experience with that engine.
 I could only relay what I'd do if it was a 1.6D.


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