In terms of boot speed, the PIII should be up and running by the time the glow plugs cycle, assuming I keep everything light and don't start too many services on boot (linux). I'm not sure how the HD (5 year warranty
) will hold up, but if I really wanted to insure data security I suppose I could get a 30gig mp3 hard drive for ~$100, but that adds quite a bit to the cost. Heck, while I'm at it I could buy a new cpu/mobo combo from frys and probably use a 2 gig flash card to boot the system (kernel/bootloader/maybe some of the system libraries?), the 30 gig microdrive for data, and ~2 gigs of ram so I could
mount everything I would likely need in ram for fast access. But then I'd be well overbudget, and for the difference in system cost, probably could've bought a td fuel pump/vnt+manifold/IC/pyrometer and roughly doubled my hp.