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Did I get a bad pump?

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Be aware that the 200 LR pump has a lock.  I don't know how it works, but there are videos on you-tube if you search land rover that show it.  It doesn't take much torque to turn over the pump.  When I re-built mine I wanted to make sure all was good - I just put the nut on (wthout the gear) and turned it over.  It wasn't even enough to jam the nut on so I couldn't remove the nut by hand.

If you've done the 1.6 pumps, the only difference I saw was there seemed to be more of a gap between bump.

I will more than likely do this. Don't suppose anyone could get a torque reading, say with a needle type tq wrench as to what kind of force it takes to spin it.   
 Having never been inside a pump, I am a little intimidated on rebuilding it, but I am not against trying if I had good instruction. Any suggestions?

My turbo diesel had a good pictures on rebuilding from start to finish.  I'm sure it you take an hour or so you can probably still find it somewhere on the web.  That's what helped me - I followed it and it was pretty easy to do.  cleaning everything was the hardest part.

OK, I had a chance to go out and play with the pump a little. I was able to rotate it and for the heck of it I put a torque wrench on it to get a reading. Hardly registered on the ft/lb wrench and got about 130 in/lbs. on the smaller one. I would say that is acceptable. I guess I was just expecting constant resistance rather than the loping every 1/3 rotation that I was getting. Now I feel like this was a stupid question but I wanted to be safe. Still might eventually do a rebuild though.

If you look at how these pumps work, the resistance every quarter turn is completely normal. That's the return springs for the injection plunger being compressed. It's critical that it behaves as you are describing - if it does NOT do that then it is broken.

There is not a lot that wears in these pumps. Most "rebuilds" are really just reseals, maybe with a couple new bushings thrown in.


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