Engine Specific Info and Questions > Non VW Group Diesel

Ariens Snowblower turbo intercooled :)

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Here's my toy for this winter, it's a Ariens snowblower which i replaced the 10hp engine with
a 6.5hp diesel one last year. Was as powerful as the 10hp, but this year I added a RHB31 with
an intercooler.. Injector and the fuel pump has been modd. Full load it push 9psi, MUCH more
powerful ! Hunger gearing has also been modded so it spiin 3x faster.. ;)

That's fantastic. How is your fuel consumption?

Pretty good actually, half a tank to clear both driveway and the front of my garage ( 2 doors ).. Pretty impressed even
if the fuel delivery system has been heavily modded.. ;)

Nice, any videos of it running?

745 turbogreasel:
Yes, justice calls for an action shot.


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