Author Topic: first smoke tale, a duzzie  (Read 2450 times)

May 21, 2011, 03:00:11 am


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first smoke tale, a duzzie
« on: May 21, 2011, 03:00:11 am »
So, was riding around "the closed race circuit" the other night in my franken motor caddy, and this big cummins truck comes cruising up, like 99-2001 model, it sounds pretty serious.

I slow down to try to get him to pass as I am just enjoying the night air, so he cruises on past me, and I see a dyno sticker on his rear window. It had twin turbo performance 24v stickers on it and a "443hp." well anyways, i indicate that I wouldn't mind having some fun, so we slow down to 30mph and both punch it.

I heard him drop down into a lower gear, so he gave it all she had, but, in 3rd, i gained a car length right off the bat, then 2, then 3, by 60 I let off, and he flew by, but I had obviously dominated him and his 2 friends in the truck... haha.

a few weeks ago I also flat out pulled a stupid v6 dodge ram in 5th from 55mph to 75mph, but that hardly even counts. i could practically coast and accelerate faster than that pos.

Tomorrow I am entering a car show in the town where I live (redneck central) and want to win best truck so badly. I hope some of these modified trucks I have embarrass show up!

81 caddy frankentd 02a, 99.9 tdi jetta, 00 golf