Engine Specific Info and Questions > Non VW Group Diesel

(Zipping up flame suit) Look what I bought!

(1/20) > >>


I would love to have one myself, but I have too much junk and projects. My dad had many and loved them too. Let us know how it works out for you.


--- Quote from: theman53 on November 21, 2010, 11:02:28 pm --- I have too much junk and projects.
--- End quote ---

I do to.. I didn't really expect to end up with it.. Typically when I see one of them pop up somewhat closeby they are in far worse condition for far more money..  I bid $375 with expectations of going for around $600, kinda forgot about it till I got the email saying I won..  ::) 

Guess the Rabbit will wait a bit longer now..  At least the price of scrap is kind of up..  Looks like I'll be hauling some junk out in the next few days...

I can't believe it..........

Rabbitman, you think that's unbelievable, check this out...



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