Author Topic: whitish smoke at hard throttle.....  (Read 1386 times)

June 30, 2010, 10:35:17 am


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whitish smoke at hard throttle.....
« on: June 30, 2010, 10:35:17 am »
its weird when driving/crusin it seems to run perfect.....if im doing 110-120km/h then matt it it just pours white smoke???
now if im in fourth and realy stretching the rpm's it will pour black smoke.......
but the thing is when i am at a stop and start off like normal it looks like a tindge of bluish it just sucks because i hate having to feather the pedal to try and keep smoke at take off down as i dont need someone calling the ministry on me!!

the car is a 1990 VW Golf with 1.6TD.........i have said in other post the engine is rebuilt with 20 000 on it or so BUT it sucked up water and bent a rod and was replaced so there are only 1500k's on (1) of the pistons with new rings others are all 20 000k's
and im not burning any oil dip stick is always topped up!

i have been dinkin with the IP timming for quite some time now and just cant seem to find the spot....i thought i did but stuff comming outta the tail pipe tells me no!!!  like how clankity are they supose to sound i mean maybe im too retarted right now??? but i dont want to advance to far and put extra stress!!

grrr this car is testing my patients!!!!!!
