Engine Specific Info and Questions > IDI Engine

1.5L oilpan on 1.6TD


i asked in the old forum, but i'll bring the question over here..

1.5 diesel engines had shallower oilpans, giving more ground clearance than 1.6TD oilpans.

will a 1.5 oilpan fit on a 1.6TD (MF code) and work properly? i imagine the amount of oil the engine will hold will decrease.... other than that i'm clueless about this.

any thoughts?

I'm not sure if a 4-quart pan is actually any shallower... with the oil pump pickup being located in the same spot on both pans (gotta be close to the lowest point, don't ya think?), I think the 5-quart pan is just wider at the bottom.  But it might not actually stick down any more than the 4-quart (or there may be a slight difference, but likely not much.)

The reduced oil capacity will also make your oil temps run higher.

That said, to make a 4-quart work on a turbo diesel, you'd have to drill a hole into the side and add an oil return fitting of some sort, like is on the TD pan.

if there was a straight swap for a shallower pan i'd do it... but that's not worth the work.

(now watch, i'll come on here a week after i lower my car posting "i took out my oil pan!!"  :lol: )


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