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Kia mtdi pump on 1Z

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the .187 it's good for the start not the performance.

take à fiat croma tdid pump it's same body with 20... axe

if I could find a fiat pump I would use it, but this was the best I could get.
this also has a 20mm axel

I'm thinking about filling the spaces with aluminium (with a TIG) then machining the case to 50mm

I think they are very similar to the rover pumps. I machined my aaz pump bracket to accept the larger nose & using ALH pump nose parts everything lined up perfect. I also swapped out my aaz delivery valves as the LR ones were 1cm longer & the injector lines didn't line up.

thats also a good idea, and safer, I have a few 1.6TD brackets that should fit the 1z, could machine one of those without a problem.
if anything goes wrong, I'll still have the 1Z bracket

What's the Kia application for that pump?  Just adding to my list of ebay searches.  ;)



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