vertical axis on LHS shoes pressure ratio.... so for instance the numbers up the top show 2.8 - thats 2.8 times atmospheric pressure, which is 14.7psi - so thats 40-ish psi.
however, you need to look at how efficient the turbo is there, and for what flow rate. pick an rpm (say 4000) and work out a flow rate from that (using whatever boost you envisage) and that will let you plot a point on the map which will tell you the efficency of the compressor under those conditions.
on the map - the horizontal axis is gas flow rate, the vertical axis is pressure ratio. the longitudinal bands are compressor rpm, and the things that look like "isobars" on a weather map show compressor efficienct, n. for example, the highest efficiency is about 74% (n=0.74) for the innermost isobar.