Author Topic: 2001 ALH Jetta Auto vs Cavalier with irritating muffler  (Read 2863 times)

August 29, 2005, 01:34:43 am


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2001 ALH Jetta Auto vs Cavalier with irritating muffler
« on: August 29, 2005, 01:34:43 am »
So, I'm on my way to a client's place to fix her PC. I'm driving along fairly quickly (20 KM over limit). I see a cavalier with a carbon fibre hood with a big intake coming up behind me. He's weaving in and out, so I figure, hey, he might have something here. He pulls up to me and I nearly blow snot out my nose. This car looks stock but for the the C/F hood and a tomato can on the back that sticks out a good 6 inches.

So, I decided to let him be, but for some reason, he doesn't seem to like me. We hit a couple of lights and I take of in my regular fashion; about 1/2 to the floor, let the turbo spool, and enjoy the little boost buzz (my car's stock).

So, on light 3, he decides to waste me. I did my regular thing and he pulled ahead by about 2 car lengths before the next light. I'm shaking my head when he tries to egg me on again. Nah, still not biting it.

Light 4 though, I get irritated because he keeps looking at me like he's making fun of me. Whatever; I just do my normal thing and he tries again to race me, so OK, enough of you buddy. I stand on it. Not a good time to do it, because the tranny doesn't want to come out of second. So relatively slow acceleration; after about 100 feet he's 2 cars ahead of me and the gears start hooking up right for me.....then an F350 pulls in front of me from an offramp, so I'm running out of room. Crap. I can't let this joker beat me on a technicality like this.

I stomp it and drop down a gear; I jerk the wheel and veer hard right behind this guy, then slalom around the F350 and I'm gone. Adrenaline is pumping because I probably shouldn't have driven like such a maniac, so I slow down and get into my turn lane. Buddy passes me still and he's still trying to accelerate. I was thinking, dude, if you just saved the money from the fart can and the hood to put it on a real performance mod, you probably would have had me. Now you just look like a try-hard.

Reply #1September 04, 2005, 11:09:51 am

Dr. Diesel

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2001 ALH Jetta Auto vs Cavalier with irritating muffler
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2005, 11:09:51 am »
to quote the simpsons' nelson muntz... "ha ha!"
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