Engine Specific Info and Questions > mTDI Mechanical TDI Conversions

mtdi pump question and theories

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can I bolt a not turbo 1.6 idi pump directly to a 1.9 tdi motor and delete the turbo and computer pump from an e-tdi 1.9 ahu and expect it to work?  I dont care if it is slow I just want it to run.  

will the belt line up if I just swap out the 1.9 computer pump and replace with the 1.6L idi pump and pully?

as a not turbo 1.9 mtdi would not have boost could I reduce the opening pressure for the injectors so as to not worry about breaking an idi pump?

 a not turbo mtdi or m-di would not need a 10mm 0r 11mm head for fuel to keep up with a turbo and would run cooler with less fuel so a 9mm 1.6L head would be ok?

why no turbo? because I am paranoid about the old exploding compressor wheel trick and the shortage of tdi motors.

the car has to compete with a geo metro for power turbo not important.

Try it. If you reduced the injector pop pressures it might work or it might not. If it does run it will probably run like crap with lots of grey smoke and not start easily at all.


--- Quote from: "prothe" ---Interesting idea about lowering the opening pressure of the TDI injectors.  I've been wondering about that, too.
--- End quote ---

get a pressure tester and experiment.  when the injector fails to properly atomize the fuel, then that is the lowest pressure you can go.  i'm sure the VW engineers have increased the pressure just to be on the safe side and to compensate for poor fuel... let us know of the results, please!  :D

and about the head size, i'm pretty sure Giles has some tricks to make a 9mm head act like a 10mm or even 11mm.  probably a hard concept to swallow, but i think dave (935racer) had his jetta running nearly 200hp with a 9mm head & Giles pump.  someone correct me if i'm wrong though...

I think the guy only want to put the pump on his engine and run with it, he do not ask ''how to built a M-TDI pump''

Yes the 1.6Pump bolt onto the TDI bracket, and you will have to use the 1.6 pump pulley too, pulley aligment is not 100% exact, but It's ok,  and maxed With .216 nozzle,  the fueling at the max on the pump, It's ok.

Making a 9mm head pushing the same pressure as 10mm head with his original came-plate is really too easy,  you only have to play with a more aggressive came-plate than the 10mm and voila.....  exept that the fueling capability become lower.

Since there is not much came-plate more aggressive than the TDI one, It's more easy to play with bigger head.

For IDI engine It's another game, much more easy because there is a lot of came-plate choice.........

thank you for your responses

there is a  1.9L diesel  sold in europe that is just like the tdi but no turbo, said to be really gutless, I don't care.

I am just simplifying and trying to reduce the number of things that could fail.  I want a car that lasts.

I would build a 1.6L but I don't like precups.

I build computers for a living and I sure dont want one running my car hence the desire for m-tdi or m-di

I have 5 1.6L idi no turbo pump cores but no tdi or 4bt pumps

list of kiss fixes includes:

erg block off
turbo delete
change out hydraulic lifters every 75k miles
change timing belt often
change oil every 3k miles if it needs it or not


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