Engine Specific Info and Questions > IDI Engine

Old article by David Vizard on Do-It-Youself porting

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--- Quote from: GEE-BEE on July 13, 2014, 12:41:37 pm ---http://extrudehoneafm.com/automotive.html

I just got back my PD150, perfect like a mirror

I sent them a new ahu head assy and a AAZ  intake for a driver build


--- End quote ---
Mind sharing the cost of doing a cylinder head?

I got a quote of 300 to refresh the head and 400 for a port and polish.  A shop near me has the flow bench and setup to do 8Valve VW engines.   I can't wait, I've heard good things about doing this! 

It appears that the link to the article no longer works?
Shame as it was a good read! Did a bit of googling, but can't find it anywhere on the net.

This looks to be the article, about 1/2 way down the page:



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