Author Topic: WTB: 1.6TD Block...or my wife may kill me  (Read 3727 times)

March 16, 2005, 05:38:07 pm


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WTB: 1.6TD Block...or my wife may kill me
« on: March 16, 2005, 05:38:07 pm »
Hey gang,

I really want to get my TD Caddy back on the road. I would love to get the 1.9 in there as a TD but I think the cost of that dictates that I should slowly build it up. That in mind, I think I should go with trying to repair the 1.6TD I have currently and put it back in. The problem?: there's a hole in the side of the block where a rod came through.

I either have the parts I need to repair it or can souce them locally pretty cheap. The problem I have is getting a replacement block. That's where I need the help.  

I don't care if it needs to be bored out, or if you've had it sitting around for a decade, as long as it's structurally sound for my 1.6TD Caddy.  I can get it bored out and souce the oversized pistons pretty easily here.

As for shipping, ideally I would love it to be somewhat local to me here in Baltimore. I am willing to drive about 3 hours in any direction for it, throw it in on the trailer behind the Jetta (or just in the trunk), and bring it back home. If it has to be shipped, I can arrange a business delivery by truck (freight) or pickup from a local train depot if that saves on cost on either end.  What ever works for you works for me.

Let me know what you have and what you're looking to charge for it.  
